Site Map
- Stantec : 12 child pages
- Markets : 22 child pages
- Defence
- Civic & Cultural : 6 child pages
- Industrial : 1 child page
- Urban Places : 5 child pages
- Residential : 6 child pages
- Sports & Recreation : 4 child pages
- Workplace & Office : 4 child pages
- Health : 5 child pages
- Education : 5 child pages
- Retail, Hospitality & Mixed-Use : 5 child pages
- Buildings : 2 child pages
- Mining, Minerals & Metals : 14 child pages
- Mine Closure & Rehabilitation : 1 child page
- Mine Facilities
- Mine Process Plants
- Mine Project Development
- Mine Rail & Transport
- Mine Water & Treatment
- Net Zero Mining
- Tailings & Waste
- Mining, Minerals & Metals Team Members
- A Net Zero World Needs Mining
- Mining, Minerals & Metals Projects
- What does decarbonising mining look like?
- Rethinking the life of a mine through mine closure planning
- Critical Minerals
- Environment : 2 child pages
- Transport : 9 child pages
- Water : 8 child pages
- Community Development : 3 child pages
- Smart Cities
- Energy Transition : 1 child page
- Energy : 12 child pages
- Climate Solutions : 1 child page
- Mission Critical Facilities
- Land Development : 2 child pages
- Services : 80 child pages
- Acoustics
- Audio-visual
- Civil Engineering : 2 child pages
- Energy Services Engineering
- Fire Protection Engineering : 1 child page
- Fire Safety Engineering : 1 child page
- Hydraulic Engineering : 1 child page
- Specialist Lighting
- Utilities Engineering
- Telecomms & ICT : 1 child page
- Underground Power Design
- Urban Planning
- Vertical Transportation Engineering : 1 child page
- Mechanical Engineering : 2 child pages
- Structural Engineering : 2 child pages
- Electrical Engineering : 2 child pages
- Smart Buildings
- Advisory : 2 child pages
- Air Quality & Odour Management
- Aquatic & Subterranean Ecology
- Automation & Development
- Business Consulting
- Commissioning
- Construction Phase Services : 2 child pages
- Consultation & Engagement
- Contract Administration & Verification
- Dams & Hydropower Engineering
- Data Acquisition
- Data Analytics
- Design Services
- Detailed Engineering & Design
- Digital Engineering & BIM
- Engineering Design
- Environmental Impact & Risk Assessment (EIA & ERA) : 1 child page
- Environmental Approvals & Permitting
- Environmental Services : 1 child page
- EPCM & Project Delivery Services
- Feasibility Studies & Management : 2 child pages
- Geospatial : 1 child page
- Geotechnical Engineering & Materials Testing : 2 child pages
- Hydrological Sciences : 1 child page
- Infrastructure Management
- Intelligent Transport Systems
- Aquaculture
- Material Handling Systems
- Metallurgical & Process Design
- Mine Closure, Rehabilitation & Geoscience : 1 child page
- Peer Reviews & Due Diligence
- Planning & Investment
- Predictive Analytics
- Program & Project Management : 2 child pages
- Program Consulting
- Remote Sensing
- Risk & Resilience : 1 child page
- Security
- Digital Services
- Strategic Planning : 1 child page
- Terrestrial Flora & Fauna : 1 child page
- Traffic Engineering : 2 child pages
- Transformation Services
- Transport Advisory : 1 child page
- Transport Analytics & Modelling
- Transport Planning : 2 child pages
- Water Technical Advisory
- Sustainability & Building Performance : 1 child page
- Mine Power
- Asset Management : 2 child pages
- Sustainability : 3 child pages
- Geohazards : 1 child page
- Contaminated Land Management
- Geosciences : 1 child page
- Landfill & Solid Waste : 1 child page
- Marine Science
- Coastal Engineering
- Environmental Design & Management
- Survey & Spatial Services
- Landscape Architecture
- Complete Streets Planning & Design
- Development Economics
- Major Events & Venues
- Company Overview : 11 child pages
- Projects : 27 child pages
- A : 32 child pages
- Australia Pacific LNG Water Treatment Facility
- Albany Boat Harbour & Waterfront
- Albany Health Campus
- Ascot Green by Mirvac
- Avion Residences
- Aquinas College Chapel Alterations
- Atlassian Central
- AMP End of Trip Facility & Link Kiosk Tenancy Fit-out
- Augility Portfolio - Estate Works Program
- Axle Replacement Inline (ARI) Unit
- Australian Bragg Centre (SAHMRI 2)
- Alkimos Seawater Desalination Plant
- Australian Open Transport Planning
- Argyle Diamond Mine Closure
- Aura Residential Community
- Athllon Drive Infrastructure Design
- Australian Naval Infrastructure Corporate Office
- Albion Park Rail Bypass
- Abu Dhabi Aquaculture Site Selection Project
- Augusta Parkway Duplication
- Biyal-a Armstrong Creek Library and Community Hub
- Aboriginal Communities Water and Sewerage Program – Asset Management Review
- Albany Highway Road Safety Assessment and Design
- Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation House Melbourne
- ANZAC Bridge Maintenance Upgrade
- Awoonga Dam Safety Review and Comprehensive Risk Assessment
- Adelaide Refinery Decommissioning Investigations
- Arboricultural and Ecological Assessment at the Valda Wetlands
- Ardency Kennedy Place, Richmond - Engineering Services
- Albany Motorsport Park - Stage 1
- Aspect Industrial Estate, Kemps Creek - Stage 2
- ATSICHS Social Housing
- B : 54 child pages
- Broadway Fair Shopping Centre
- Bilya Koort Boodja, Centre for Nyoongar Culture and Environmental Knowledge
- Blundstone Arena - Ricky Ponting Stand
- Bushmead Estate
- Bowlers Green Apartments, Geelong
- Bullsbrook District High School
- Baldivis Shopping Centre
- Bickley Battery Conservation
- Brew-Ha Bici Café
- Built Western Australia Office Refurbishment
- Bob Hawke College, Subiaco
- Bristol Hotel Apartments
- Brisbane South State Secondary College
- Brookfield Rail - New Office Fit-out
- Barangaroo Solar PV
- Brewery Yard
- Broken Hill Hospital and Dental Facility Reconfiguration
- BHP Outflow Sample Station Upgrade
- Burdekin Falls Dam Improvement and Raising
- BreastScreen WA Joondalup Fit-out
- BHP Yarrie Lake
- Ballarat GovHub
- Bunning Stores - New and Extensions
- Borroloola Treatment Plant
- Basketball Court Facility
- Base Engineering Assessment Program
- Bayswood Development
- Bingara Gorge Urban Development
- Belconnen Bikeway
- Bolger Bay Water Pumping Station
- Bundaberg Aquatic Centre
- Brighton Homes Arena
- Brisbane Metro Utilities Services
- Blacktown International Sportspark
- Bega and Brogo Rivers Flood Warning System Review
- Bore Monitoring Program
- Baywater Estate
- Brookwater Estate
- Boundary Road (Coopers Plains) Rail Overpass
- Beams Road Rail Level Crossing
- Bunnings Sustainability Project
- Beaches, Catherine Hill Bay
- Banyo and Lindum Station Accessibility Upgrades
- Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ)
- Bushfire Recovery Ecology Field Assessment
- Broughton Pass Slope Remediation
- Bond Institute of Health and Sport Building
- Browne Park Redevelopment
- Bass Coast Junior Secondary School
- Biosecurity and Research Facility Precinct
- Biosecurity Plankton Sampling
- Biala Wind Farm - Turbine Transport Assessment and Management
- Burragorang Road Remediation
- Balmattum Hill Mountain Bike Trail Business Case
- # : 17 child pages
- 118-124 Terry Street, Rozelle
- 137 St Georges Terrace, Curtin University
- 1 William Street Brisbane
- 4-6 Bligh Street, Sydney
- 88 by JQZ, St Leonards
- 480 Hay Street, Perth – The Westin Hotel
- 4 Parramatta Square Sustainability Services
- 183-185 Clarence Street Sydney
- 27 Church Avenue Mascot
- 144 Wicks Road, Macquarie Park
- 12-14 Birnie Avenue
- 173 Pacific Highway
- 1-2 Murray Rose Avenue
- 55 Pitt Street, Sydney
- 203 North Terrace Student Accommodation – Sustainability Assessment
- 325 Wellington Street - Student Accommodation
- 14–16 Yarra Street - Engineering Services
- C : 58 child pages
- Commonwealth Games Transit Malls
- Circle Line Stage 3 870C - Design and Construction Management
- Casella Vineyard Irrigation Project
- Central Queensland University, Perth Campus
- City of Perth Library
- Caboolture Hospital - 32 Bed Ward
- Cathedral Square, Perth
- Carrington Street Apartments, Hamilton Hill
- Churchlands Senior High School Refurbishment
- Cavendish State High School - New Year 7 Block
- COMO The Treasury Hotel
- Connect South, Numbat & Frill-neck Lizard Sculptures
- Curtin University Centre for Crop and Disease Management
- Centenary Theatre, Taronga Zoo
- Curtin House, 60 Beaufort Street
- Civic Heart
- Coca-Cola Amatil
- Calvary Adelaide Hospital
- Chatswood Education Centre
- Concord Repatriation General Hospital Schematic Design
- Curtin University Campus Student Housing, Kalgoorlie
- Crane Support Structural Certification and Engineering
- Cockburn Coast Urban Redevelopment Project
- Callide Dam
- Cyclone Mineral Sands Project
- City of Gold Coast Professional Services Partnership
- Calleya Residential Estate
- Chichester Solar Gas Hybrid Project
- Country Rail Network Level Crossings
- Continual Improvement Processes for Asset Management
- Calderwood Valley Urban Development
- Cone Bay Infauna Sampling
- The Children’s Hospital Westmead Stage 2 – Security Risk Assessment
- Caulfield to Dandenong Level Crossing Removal
- Corrigin Bike Plan
- Commonwealth Bank Darling Square, Sydney
- Cooya Beach Cycleway – Stage 1
- Canterbury Bankstown Integrated Access and Movement Study
- Copper Concentrator Plant Semi-Autogenous Grinding Mill Upgrade
- Centennial Park Sporting Precinct Upgrade
- Camp Masterplan Design
- Central Station Building Upgrades
- Country Rail Network Operations and Maintenance Design Lead
- Cumberland Plain Koala Exclusion Fencing Feasibility Study
- Completion Criteria Development for Mine Closure Planning
- Central Queensland – Contaminated Land Management and Geotechnical Services
- Cocos Islands – Shark Deterrent Technology
- Carbon Sequestration Potential in Western Australia
- Camden WestInvest Grant Business Case
- Cyclone Gabrielle Emergency Response
- Coxs River Biological Monitoring Program
- Cairns Performing Arts Centre Redevelopment
- Cassowary Coast Regional Council Culvert Engineering Consulting
- Corrections Victoria – Prison Infill Expansion Project
- Caboolture River Road Masterplan
- Centralised Biosolids Stabilisation Business Case
- Coondoo Mountain Bike Trails - Environmental Assessment and Approvals
- CommBank Stadium
- D : 22 child pages
- Detecting Stygofauna in Groundwater Using eDNA
- De Havilland Apartments
- Dinmore and Graceville Train Station Accessibility Upgrade
- David Malcolm Justice Centre
- Deakin University Travel and Transport Strategy
- Dubbo Base Hospital
- Docklands Primary School
- Dust Mitigation Pilot Project
- Dampier Palms and Hampton Oval Redevelopment
- Delacombe Town Center
- Dendy Street Beach Renourishment
- Development of a Water Main Condition Assessment Strategy
- Dulwich Hill Station Streetscape Improvements
- Defence Portfolio and Security
- Darwin Festival – Safety Certification for Temporary Structures
- Dakabin Station Accessibility Upgrades
- Doctor George Mountain Road Slope Remediation
- Derwent Ferry Expansion
- Duncans Road Bridge Interchange
- Darcy Road Public School Expansion - Groundwater Impact Assessment
- Dive Reef Monitoring
- Dohertys Drain Outfall Channel
- E : 19 child pages
- Enhanced Water Demand Forecasting
- Elizabeth Quay
- Epworth Hospital
- Earth Sciences Garden Monash University
- EZONE UWA Student Hub
- Element 27 Apartments
- Elizabeth Quay Unified Technology
- ECU Joondalup Building 34 (Ngoolark)
- Eliwana Rail Project
- Eagle Farm Racecourse Outdoor Lighting
- ECU City Campus
- Eliwana Mine Project
- East Pilbara Independent Rail Study Peer Review
- ERAWA Operational Audit and Asset Management Review
- Emerald Hills Residential Development, East Leppington
- Ergon Energy Buildings Condition Assessment
- Environmental Management Services for a Major Hazard Facility in Victoria
- East Perth Power Station Environmental Services
- Eden Safe Harbour Project - Wave Screen
- F : 18 child pages
- Fiona Stanley Hospital
- Fiona Stanley Hospital - Family Birthing Centre
- Flagship 2MW Data Centres for a Major Bank
- Frankland Park Development
- Flinders-Tonsley Precinct Integrated Transport and Parking Strategy
- Fremantle Aquatic Centre
- Floodways Design and Contract Administration Verification Services
- Fujitsu Data Centres - Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth
- Flash Flotation Facility Engineering Design
- Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix
- Fraser Coast Water Supply Security Strategy
- Footscray Wharf and Promenade
- Fergusons Land Cricket Facility
- Flinders University NEXUS Building
- Figtree Hill Estate
- Fairways Estate at Townsville Golf Club
- Fort Hill Wharf Expansion
- Far North Collector Road - Moss Vale Road Connection
- G : 30 child pages
- Gibson Island Recycled Water Treatment Plant
- Googong Township Integrated Water Cycle
- Greenland Centre
- Gold Coast Aquatic Centre
- Growler Airborne Electronic Attack Capability Facilities Project
- Grant Thornton Office Fit-out - Perth
- Gunnedah Solar Farm
- Green Square Town Centre
- Gold Adsorption Pilot Plant
- Glenaeon Retirement Village
- Great Northern Highway Intersection and Wodgina Access Road
- Great Southern Grammar – Boarding Houses 4 & 5
- Gunnedah Recorded Rainfall Data Analysis
- Gateway to GMH Cycling Corridor
- Greater Brockman Syncline Project
- Gudai-Darri Wildlife Monitoring
- Greater Western Water Pipe Resizing
- Golden Plains Wind Farm
- Greater Springfield
- Gold Coast Artificial Dive Attraction Precinct
- Gee Gee Bridge
- Goulburn Water Reuse Scheme
- Grand Lakes Estate
- Gardiner Park Sports Field Upgrade
- Garden City Bike Corridor Connection Upgrade
- Gudai-Darri Mining Camp Expansion Stages 1-4
- Groundwater Modelling Toolbox
- Gerringong Landslide Remediation
- Gawler River Flood Management Impact Assessment
- Gloucester Reserve Seawall Design
- H : 21 child pages
- Hotel at MONA
- HBF Park
- Harrisdale Shopping Centre
- Haileybury City Campus
- Herston Quarter Redevelopment Project (HQRP)
- Hollywood Private Hospital, Operating Theatre
- Hummingbird House
- Housing Development, 195 Pier Street Perth
- Holden Reservoir Inlet Pipeline
- Heirloom by Match
- Home Southbank
- Herston Biofabrication Institute Laboratory
- Hope Downs 4 Dewatering Pipeline Project
- High Purity Alumina Definitive Feasibility Study
- HyKembla Hydrogen Pilot Plant
- Hallam Road Upgrade
- Hamilton Northshore
- High Purity Alumina Demonstration Plant
- High-Rise Towers - Geotechnical Investigation
- Hunter Water – Chemical Dosing and Odour Control
- Hunter Offshore Wind Farm - Approvals Strategy and Environmental Assessment
- I : 13 child pages
- iFLY Indoor Skydiving Centre
- Ipswich Intelligent Transportation System Strategy
- INAS Global Games Transport Plan and Services
- Iluka Office Fitout - CBD
- Infosys Office Fit-out - Melbourne
- Ipswich Motorway – Rocklea to Darra
- Isaac Regional Planning Scheme and Storm Tide Study
- Integrated Environmental Monitoring Program
- International Gateway Upgrade Project – Perth Airport
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Future – Prince Charles Hospital
- IPWEA Condition Assessment and Asset Performance Guideline
- Ingenia Lifestyle Drift Civil Design
- Isaac Storm Tide Study
- J : 5 child pages
- K : 9 child pages
- L : 17 child pages
- Lower South Creek Treatment Program
- Lismore Base Hospital - Stage 3A
- Livingstone Gardens, Vermont South
- La Trobe University Student Accommodation
- La Trobe University Sports Park
- Latitude 32, Flinders Precinct (Hope Valley)
- Lake Roe Gold Project
- Lake Mackay Sulphate of Potash Project
- Landside Transport Access Strategy (LTAS) for Port of Melbourne
- Logan Water Partnership
- Legacy Way
- Lachlan’s Line Bridge
- Little Creek Blacktown
- Landfill Cells Phase 3, 4 & 5 Capping Construction – Stanley Road
- Lake Illawarra Maritime Assets Prioritisation
- Lindeman Island Resort Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
- Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct - Peer Review
- M : 43 child pages
- Meadow Springs
- Market Grounds, Kings Square Perth
- Maasra Apartments at Coorparoo
- Murdoch University Engineering Building
- Marina Edge, Port Coogee
- Main Road Network Operations Centre Fit-out
- Melville Senior High School - Theatre
- Macquarie University Art Precinct
- Monash University Clayton - Building 17
- Mernda Rail Extension
- Melbourne Convention and Entertainment Centre Expansion
- McKell Building Refurbishment
- MyVista Mirrabooka
- McLean Oval Redevelopment
- Mba Delta Ironsands Project
- Mardie Salt and Potash Production Project
- Maryborough Water Quality Enhancement
- Mandalong Mine Stockpile Conveyor
- Marine Produce Australia EMMP Review
- Mt Rawdon Pumped Hydro Energy Storage
- Melbourne On-Road Public Transport Priority Program Business Case & Toolkit
- Murramarang National Park Geotechnical Landslide Risk Assessment
- Maryland Creek GPT Design
- Maroochydore City Centre
- Minnamurra Boardwalk
- Minnippi - Cannon Hill Lakes Community Links
- Muswellbrook Rail Bridge Replacements
- Murrumbidgee River Hydrographic Survey
- Morley Galleria Redevelopment
- Macquarie Island Research Station Modernization Project – Planning Phase
- Mortdale Railway Maintenance Centre
- Maroochydore West Master Drainage Plan
- Murujuga Tourism Precinct
- Melbourne Airport Rail (MAR) – Early Works Package
- Mooloolah River Flood Study
- Midland Walkability Study
- Mine Accommodation Village
- Monaro Highway Upgrade Package 1 - Lanyon Drive Interchange
- More Trains More Services – Stage 2
- Mount Darragh and Tantawangalo Detailed Slope Remediation Design
- Moolanda Boulevard Pedestrian and Cycleway Bridge Business Case
- Murrumba Downs Wastewater Treatment Plant - OCF Capacity Assessment
- Mt Tumbarumba Adventure Park MTB Trails - Impact Assessments
- N : 41 child pages
- Newhaven Estate
- Newman Town Square
- New Museum for Western Australia
- Newtown Apartments, Williams Landing
- North East Package Road Network Plans
- Nightingale Village
- New South Wales Transport Accessibility Station Upgrades
- NSW Health Infrastructure Asset Replacement and Refurbishment Program
- New Perth Busport
- Nowa Nowa Project Scoping and Feasibility Study
- National Faster Rail Program Demand Modelling
- New Footscray Hospital
- Norton Gold Fields Enterprise Mine Infrastructure
- NSW Parliament House Emergency Ventilation Compliance
- New South Wales Tsunami Inundation Modelling and Risk Assessment
- New Women and Newborns Hospital Western Australia
- Nowra Bridge
- National Arboretum Canberra
- Next Generation Asset Data Collection: Road Pavement Performance
- Northbourne Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation
- North West Shelf Environmental Survey
- Northern Territory Government Remote Community Housing Program
- Northwest Australia Vegetation Recognition
- NT Correctional Services
- Nihon University - Newcastle Campus
- North East Link Early Works
- Nambour West Master Drainage Plan
- North East Link Primary Package
- National Capital Authority Asset Management Strategy and ISO 55001 Roadmap
- New Beith Road, Stage 3
- Nearshore Environmental Monitoring Program
- North Ward Road and Palmer Street Intersection Upgrade
- Newcastle Education Campus - Civil and Structural Engineering Services
- National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA)
- New South Wales Marine Fish Stocking Environmental Impact Survey (EIS)
- Nauru Port Development
- New City West Bus Layover
- North Coombs and North Wright Residential Estates
- Narooma Mountain Bike (MTB) Trail Network Stage 2
- NSW Rugby Centre of Excellence - Multidisciplinary Services
- North Queensland Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan
- O : 12 child pages
- Optus Stadium
- Opal Carine
- Old Perth Boys School
- Ocean Reef Marina Development
- One Alfred Street, Circular Quay
- Olli Shuttle
- Omnia at Potts Point
- Orebody 25 Debottlenecking Project
- Old Gympie Road Upgrades
- Offshore and Estuarine Artificial Reefs
- Oyster Harbour Development
- Oxley Highway Slope Remediation—Strategic Design Services
- P : 33 child pages
- Predictive and Operational Analytics
- Potable Water PFI Modelling
- Port Hedland Integrated Marine Operations Centre
- Palais Theatre Refurbishment
- Prahran High School
- Perth Zoo PA System
- Proximity Hamilton - Building 5 Portside
- Platinum Tower
- Protea by PresCare
- Parramatta Aquatic Centre
- Penguin Parade Phillip Island Visitor Centre
- Perth Airport T4 Retail Units 11 and 12
- Penshurst Park Sporting Hub
- Perth Airport T1 Arrivals Expansion Forward Works
- Port Hedland International Airport
- Port Macquarie Airport Terminal Upgrade
- Punchbowl Mosque
- Puffing Billy Railway - Lakeside Discovery Centre
- Perth Zoo - Solar
- Port Phillip Bay Aerial Survey
- Parklands Gold Coast
- Project Destiny - Perdaman Urea Project
- Port Kembla Coal Terminal Expansion
- Port Beach Nourishment Environmental Approvals
- Parkes Special Activation Precinct
- Pembroke Olive Downs Complex
- Pinecrest Masterplanned Community Multidisciplinary Services
- Port Macquarie Wharf - Detailed Design Services
- Port Botany Expansion Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
- Port Botany Expansion - Penrhyn Estuary Habitat Enhancement Plan (PEHEP)
- Pacific Islands Infrastructure
- Plenty River Trail
- Perth Hub - Lots 2 and 3A, Perth City Link
- Q : 9 child pages
- Queens Wharf
- QEII Central Energy Plant – Multidisciplinary
- QEII Central Energy Plant – ICT Provision
- Quest Apartment Hotel, Toowoomba
- Queenscliff Sport and Recreation Precinct Upgrade
- Queensland Rail Station Accessibility Upgrades
- Qantas – International Consolidation Project
- Queensland Children’s Hospital
- Queensland Airports Limited Asset Management Strategy
- R : 32 child pages
- Redcliffe Hospital Multi-Deck Car Park
- Robina Town Centre Market Hall Redevelopment
- RAC WA Headquarters Solar Photovoltaic System
- Ronald McDonald House, Perth
- Ravenswood School for Girls – Senior Student Learning Centre
- Rottnest Island Roof Structure and Wall Remediation Program 2013-2019
- Raine Square Redevelopment
- RAC Arena
- Rhodes Central
- Reading Cinema Energy Audit
- Royal Melbourne Showgrounds (RMS)
- Rest Area Mass Upgrade Project
- Regis Chelmer
- Ritz-Carlton Hotel and The Towers, Elizabeth Quay
- Remote Managed Aquifer Recharge North Project
- Rupert Street Walk-Up Village
- RAAFA Bull Creek Clubhouse & Apartments
- Rail Asset Integrity Phase 1 Gap Analysis
- Roy Hill Mine Workshop Facilities Peer Review
- Rouse Hill Town Centre – Stage 2
- Ramsgate Park 540 Unit & Townhouse Development
- RMIT Infrastructure Asset Assessment
- Renewal for Henley's Hill, Janett Street, and White Gap Reservoirs
- Run for the Kids
- Rehabilitation Monitoring Programs
- Robelle Domain
- Regional Transport Access Program - Station Upgrades
- Resource Development Rehabilitation Monitoring Program
- Rooty Hill Station and Car Park Station Upgrade
- Remembrance Drive Slope Remediation
- RNA Showgrounds - Masterplanning
- Redcliffe Hospital Expansion Project
- S : 55 child pages
- St. Ives Gold Mine Closure
- Sandstone Buildings
- Sunbury Growth Sewerage Servicing
- Sunshine Coast University Hospital
- Saffire Freycinet
- Somerville House Seymour Library Refurbishment
- St Francis Xavier Cathedral
- St Stephens Hospital Redevelopment
- St John of God Berwick Hospital, Victoria
- Sydney Fish Market - The Bays
- Partnering for Success Regional Delivery Consortia – Western Region
- St George's Anglican Grammar School
- Salvado Catholic College, Byford - Stage 2
- Sydney CBD Light Rail
- Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS)
- St Catherine's College - UWA - Additional Student Housing
- Sydney Airport Bifurcation Roof
- Synergy Virtual Power Plant
- Seniors Independent Living Waitara
- Spencer Street Sewer Augmentation Stage 1
- Subiaco East Redevelopment
- SpaceDC Hyperscale Data Centre
- Swanston Central
- Smart Technology for Greystar Australia Build-to-Rent
- South Australia Water Live Modelling
- South Middleback Ranges Pumped Hydro Prefeasibility Study
- Somerset Dam Improvement Works
- Sydney International Convention, Exhibition, and Entertainment Precinct
- Snowy 2.0 Pumped Storage Tender Design
- State Road Bypass Identification
- Southbank Boulevard Transformation
- Sydney Asset Framework Maturity Assessment
- South East Water Self-Service PFI Portal
- Shakespeare Grove Main Drain Renewal
- St Peter’s College – Big Quad Redevelopment
- Safety After Dark Innovation Challenge
- Spring Farm
- South Road Upgrade
- Seqwater Natural Asset Management
- Seqwater Asset Management System Development
- Star of the South
- Spirit of Tasmania Ferry Terminal
- Springfield Central Sporting Complex
- Springfield Parkway and Greenbank Arterial
- Sydney Metro Northwest Temporary Transport Project
- Sunshine Coast Airport Transport Infrastructure Improvements
- Slope Risk Management for a Mining Rail Network in Western Australia
- Shute Harbour Reconfiguration of Maritime Facilities
- Shute Harbour Redevelopment Options Study
- Station Pier Structural Assessments
- South Moreton Islands Ferry Terminal Upgrade
- South Wharf Condition Assessments
- Shark Control Program
- South East Water - Workplace Exposure Standards Change Impact Assessment
- Silverdale Road Stage 2 - Construction Management Services
- T : 29 child pages
- Transport Network Reconstruction Program
- Tribe Hotel, West Perth
- Tank Stream Hotel
- The Pacifica, Auckland
- Transport Access Program 3, Station Accessibility Upgrades
- The Jewel
- Tuart Lakes Lifestyle Village
- Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport
- The Glades at Byford
- Two Melbourne Quarter
- The Lennox Parramatta
- Telstra Office Refurbishment - L16 & L17, 125 St Georges Terrace
- The Willows, Winston Hills (Willows RACF Winston Hills)
- The Northern Goldfields Solar Project
- Tanami Expansion Project
- The Canopy Lane Cove
- The Victorian Desalination Project
- TfNSW Digital Engineering Framework
- Tullamore Land Development
- Terrigal Central Business District Upgrade
- Tangala Estate
- TfNSW Intersection Surveys
- Townsville Recreational Boating Park
- Tabulam Drinking Water Supply Study
- Transport Access Program At-Grade Carparks
- Toowoomba Regional Council Flood Recovery Program
- Templestowe Road Soccer Facilities Complex
- Townsville Correctional Centre
- The Children’s Hospital at Westmead - Stage 2 Redevelopment
- U : 10 child pages
- University of Tasmania – Melville St Student Accommodation
- University of Melbourne, Building 184 Laboratories
- Upper West Side - Sustainability
- Uterne Solar Farm
- University of Newcastle, ATC Laboratories
- Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre
- Ultrafine Iron Recovery Project
- Ulu Pandan NEWater Plant
- Urban Utilities Critical Asset Condition
- Urban Utilities – Integrated Engineering Services Program
- V : 10 child pages
- W : 35 child pages
- Wickham Lodge Central Facilities Building (Julutharndu Maya)
- WCE Lathlain Precinct Redevelopment Project
- Wellington Central
- Williams Landing Town Centre
- Westfield Chermside Shopping Centre
- Willetton Basketball Stadium
- Werrington Retail Centre Caddens Corner
- Westpac - 275 Kent Street
- West Side Place - 250 Spencer Street, Melbourne
- Wy Yung No. 2 Water Storage
- Western Power Smart Facilities Management
- Warragamba Dam Studies and Dam Raising
- Waverley Park Residential Precinct
- Willowdale Residential Development, East Leppington
- Winmalee Sewerage Treatment Plant Upgrade
- Wollondilly Centres Study
- Woy Woy Wharf Redevelopment
- Walk and Ride Melville Plan
- Wingellina Nickel Project Section 46 Change of Condition
- Wyndham Street and Hayes Street Signalised Intersection Upgrade
- Warrick Lane Blacktown
- Water Supply Schemes Interactive Dashboard Tool
- Water Supply Security for Chinchilla and Bell
- Warringah Freeway Upgrade
- Warrego Highway East Masterplan
- Walking, Safety, and Place Improvements
- White’s Seahorse Hotels
- Woolgoolga to Ballina Portion C – Detailed Design
- Willowdale Aged Care, Denham Court
- Wyangala Dam Wall Raising
- Warren Dam Safety Upgrade – Option Design
- Western Sydney Airport - Water Quality Monitoring Program
- Wick Harbour Project
- Westport
- Wambo Wind Farm - Stages 1 and 2
- X
- Y : 2 child pages
- Z
- A : 32 child pages
- Cookie Disclaimer
- Why Choose Stantec : 4 child pages
- Copyright / Privacy Policy
- Search
- People : 13 child pages
- A : 16 child pages
- B : 31 child pages
- Louisa Bloomer
- Paul Bolton
- Alex Blackett
- Shane Bishop
- Grant Backhouse
- Maddison Bailey
- Natasha Banning
- Paul Bromiley
- Trudie Bradbury
- Michael Bancroft
- Claire Bickerstaff
- Julian Bosman
- Daniel Barker
- Mendo Brajanovski
- Samuel Beckham
- Jay Burgess
- Peter Boesch
- Sara Belgrove
- Claudia Brassard
- Ruby Broadway
- Tony Bamford
- Long Bai
- Ewan Betts
- Ali Bardideh
- David Bramley
- Volker Buhl
- Tim Buckley
- Jackson Bramley
- Nicole Bichel
- David Bae
- Alice Bott
- C : 23 child pages
- Mark Cordell
- Patrick Chambers
- Andrew Craig
- Samuel Clement
- Chris Coath
- Clinton Caccamo
- Sarah Connolly
- Toby Chester
- Shadia Capobianco
- Tom Campbell-Clause
- David Coleman
- Jess Carey
- Paul Cannons
- Wes Crooks
- Enrique Campos
- Anand Chandra
- Matt Cleary
- Justine Curtis
- Greg Covington
- Josh Carroll
- Danielle Cruickshank
- Jorge Cotrim
- Grant Chorvat
- D : 30 child pages
- Jamie Docherty
- Brett Davis
- Herbert Domgjoni
- Marvin Ding
- Robert Dus
- Alex Deluca
- Simon Davis
- Paul Delacca
- Michael Del Borrello
- Rebecca Dracup
- Naomi Doherty
- Alana Duncker
- Andi Davari
- Samuel Duncan
- Karen Duck
- Damien Demunck
- Fabian deMezieres
- Tracey Doyle
- Jarred Doyle
- Isabelle Demange
- Anthony Dellisola
- Josh Daniels
- Toni Doumith
- Robert De Jong
- Mick Dwyer
- Evie Dillon
- Sarah Dewbery
- Michelle Davies
- Joan Deng
- Jemima Dimbleby
- E : 5 child pages
- F : 11 child pages
- G : 15 child pages
- H : 27 child pages
- Alan Hockey
- Ashley Holm
- Glen Hadiardja
- Geoffrey Hsiung
- Reece Humphreys
- Ben Hyde
- Shane Higgins
- Craig Hood
- Matthew Hall
- Grant Haywood
- Masoud Hosseini
- Trent Halvorsen
- Philip Henderson
- Aneurin Hughes
- Ella Hingston
- Pierre Hartzenberg
- Desmond Ho
- Hadi Hosseinzadeh
- Clare Huggins
- Darren Hanvey
- Sunny Hong
- Glenn Hamilton
- Brooke Hay
- Lloyd Harriott
- Scott Haydon
- Kieran Hannigan
- Dipal Harrat
- I : 2 child pages
- J : 5 child pages
- K : 25 child pages
- N : 6 child pages
- R : 24 child pages
- Glenn Rodrigues
- Michael Ruescher
- Anthony Raadschelders
- Ben Reus
- Kevin Roberts
- Trish Robertson
- Kate Reeds
- Daniel Roocke
- Adrian Rouse
- Richard Rishanghan
- Paul Rickert
- Michael Renko
- David Ronchi
- Odine Retief
- Andreas Reckentin
- Jason Rushton
- Cassy Ristic
- Dylan Roche
- Darcy Richardson
- Mark Richter
- Josie Ren
- Antony (Tony) Rogers
- Robert Rekowski
- Emma Reeves
- Ideas : 4 child pages
- Content : 7 child pages
- Blog : 7 child pages
- 2019 : 2 child pages
- 2020 : 15 child pages
- From the Design Quarterly: How do you future-proof a stadium in the digital age?
- Coronavirus and the water cycle—here is what treatment professionals need to know
- How remote VR meetings help design teams overcome the challenges of COVID-19
- Can drone technology help us mitigate the impact of future natural disasters? Absolutely
- 5 ways to achieve a healthier work space now and after COVID-19
- Disaster preparedness in the midst of COVID-19
- It’s not if, but when: Designing healthcare spaces that support pandemic response
- A global view of design and urban planning post-COVID-19 (Part 1): Pandemic prevention
- A global view of design and urban planning post-COVID-19 (Part 2): Changing perspectives
- A global view of design and urban planning post-COVID-19 (Part 3): New infrastructure
- A global view of design and urban planning post-COVID-19 (Part 4): How will cities change?
- Beyond sports: 4 ways investments in athletic facilities improve communities
- Exploring the airborne transmission of the coronavirus and strategies for mitigating risk
- UV lighting in building infection control: Can passive light safely kill coronavirus?
- Sound matters
- 2021 : 5 child pages
- Climate emergency: How communities are tackling the crisis
- World Water Day: Valuing a finite, irreplaceable resource
- As we return to the workplace, it’s important to ask: How safe is your building’s water?
- Combating climate change across Australia
- We can build healthier streets by prioritising the human experience
- 2022 : 3 child pages
- 2023 : 11 child pages
- Reshaping ICU bedspace into a calm, comfortable environment where patients thrive
- Trust and asset management—lessons from the energy crisis
- Desalination: Leveraging the potential of seawater to provide drinking water
- Stream restoration is critical for mine rehabilitation
- Solving for H: 4 challenges hydrogen experts are working to resolve
- So, you’ve captured carbon effectively. Now what?
- 100% renewable energy: Making that commitment count
- Carbon capture methods: How can we capture and remove carbon from our atmosphere?
- Global aquaculture trends: How the right approach helps offshore farms flourish
- Offshore wind farms in Australia: How do we assess their impacts?
- How seahorse hotels protect endangered species in Australia
- 2024 : 13 child pages
- A sustainable approach to readying critical minerals for decarbonisation
- [With Video] Putting communities at the heart of transport corridor planning and design
- From public health to disaster response: The case for a new approach to water management
- Can we recycle captured carbon to produce green hydrogen and biomass?
- Scaling up your critical minerals processing with demonstration plants
- Reinventing mine closure: Creating assets for the future
- Reducing shark depredation to support Cocos Islands economy and Australian marine ecology
- Sustainable airports: How terminals can reduce carbon emissions for a net zero future
- Do we have the port infrastructure to support offshore wind development?
- Decarbonising road transport: Designing low-carbon and green transport corridors
- Developing sustainable mine-closure plans for legacy tailings-storage facility management
- Protecting solar farms from the elements: Geohazard mitigation for large-scale solar farms
- Overcoming challenges in wind turbine transportation: Why route assessments are critical
- 2025 : 1 child page
- Careers : 8 child pages
- Community Engagement : 4 child pages
- 2020 : 1 child page
- 2022 : 2 child pages
- 2023 : 7 child pages
- Men’s Health Matters: Movember 2022
- Dropping eggs from three storeys up – part of a STEM high school work experience
- Introducing the recipients of the 2023 Equity & Diversity Scholarship
- Reducing inequities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- 10 years in the making – Stantec in the Community Week 2023
- Spreading holiday cheer with $100,000 in global donations to nonprofit organisations
- Movember 2023
- 2024 : 1 child page
- Article : 6 child pages
- 2019 : 4 child pages
- 2020 : 9 child pages
- Published in Healthcare Design: Solutions for Pandemic-Related Healthcare Capacity Issues
- A message from Stantec CEO Gord Johnston: COVID-19 - Better Together, Even If We’re Apart
- Is this the beginning of a micromobility revolution?
- Why mobility modelling is the secret to return-to-work
- Breathe easy… preparing your building for a return to work
- Innovative ideas to clear the air
- CLT rises to the challenge
- Smart Site Visits
- A message to clients from Stantec Country Leader, Australia, José Granado
- 2021 : 7 child pages
- Double-edged sword for industrial sector
- Why smart buildings are core to business continuity
- Subsurface Utility Engineering enhanced by stakeholder support
- Modern Times – Commercial space beyond COVID-19
- How to step into the net zero zone
- New standard saves time, cost and lives
- UV-C Radiation to combat healthcare associated infections
- 2022 : 9 child pages
- Water analytics data helping the rise of smart utilities
- How technology can make our workplaces more human
- How high-performance buildings attract high-performing people
- Why double decker lifts are a rising trend
- How mega events can be catalysts for change
- Why healthcare masterplanning needs engineering masterminds
- How planning can deliver successful mine closures
- Subsurface Utility Engineering: Are you AS5488 safe?
- Questioning Convention – Disease Transmission in Australian Buildings
- 2023 : 4 child pages
- 2024 : 3 child pages
- Technical : 1 child page
- 2020 : 1 child page
- Video : 6 child pages
- 2018 : 1 child page
- 2020 : 1 child page
- 2021 : 4 child pages
- 2022 : 3 child pages
- 2023 : 10 child pages
- Growing Together: The Stantec Developing Professionals Group
- Dreamers, Doers, and Gamechangers with Evan
- Dreamers, Doers, and Gamechangers with Harshil
- Dreamers, Doers, and Gamechangers with Isabelle
- Dreamers, Doers, and Gamechangers with Lauren
- Dreamers, Doers, and Gamechangers with Lily
- Dreamers, Doers, and Gamechangers with Terry
- Mineral processing through a sustainability lens
- Podcast: The Rail Episode
- Making the right digital investments to achieve a zero-cost future
- 2024 : 8 child pages
- How we decarbonise the mining industry
- Putting sustainability at the heart of transport corridors
- With every community, Stantec redefines what’s possible
- How drones are transforming mine closure and rehabilitation
- Blending love of sports with transport planning work: A day in the life of Josh
- Living values—sustainability in the built environment: A day in the life of Shanica
- Sydney Water Regional Delivery Consortia—Western Region
- Seahorse hotels: Working alongside nature
- Publication
- Blog : 7 child pages
- Topic : 2 child pages
- Careers
- Market : 5 child pages
- Content : 7 child pages
- Site Map
- Offices : 26 child pages
- Adelaide, Australia
- Albany, Australia
- Ballarat, Australia
- Brisbane (515 St Paul's Tce), Australia
- Brisbane (Merivale St), Australia : 2 child pages
- Busselton, Australia
- Cairns, Australia
- Canberra, Australia
- Darwin, Australia
- Geelong, Australia
- Gold Coast, Australia
- Mackay, Australia
- Sunshine Coast, Australia
- Melbourne, Australia : 2 child pages
- Newcastle, Australia
- Nowra, Australia
- Parramatta, Australia
- Perth, Australia : 2 child pages
- Rockhampton, Australia
- Springfield, Australia
- Sydney (203 Pacific Hwy), Australia : 2 child pages
- Sydney (Kent St), Australia : 1 child page
- Townsville, Australia
- Wide Bay, Australia
- Wollongong, Australia : 1 child page
- Toowoomba, Australia
- Markets : 22 child pages