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Subsurface Utility Engineering: Are you AS5488 safe?

December 06, 2022

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Stantec’s Rob Sansbury, a leader and champion of Standard AS5488, explains how SUE has been a national and global life saver in Consulting Matters

The objective of standard AS5488 was to improve the poorly regulated approach to managing underground utilities and avoid serious injuries and fatalities of construction workers.

Initially created to provide Subsurface Utility Information, it was updated in 2019 to include Subsurface Utility Engineering providing faster, safer, and more cost-effective processes for the consistent classification and management of information.

What is Subsurface Utility Engineering?

Subsurface Utility Engineering, or SUE in its abbreviated form, is a specialist engineering service incorporating geophysical mapping, vacuum excavation, and computer surveying to allow underground facilities to be located both horizontally and vertically. 

  • Rob Sansbury

    An infrastructure group leader in our Brisbane office, Rob has more than 28 years as a civil engineer. He’s worked on infrastructure development in the Defence, hospitality, healthcare, and commercial sectors.

    Contact Rob
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