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Unique design solutions for water sustainability

Water is undeniably essential to our lives—which is why it’s critical that we create a sustainable future for this precious resource. At Stantec, we partner with our clients to design solutions that address their communities’ unique needs throughout the water infrastructure lifecycle.

Our One Water focus covers the management of fresh water, wastewater, stormwater, and groundwater as a collective resource. This can mean a lot of things, depending on your needs and where you are. If you’re in a water-rich area our approach is different from somewhere with a deteriorating ecosystem or an arid environment where water is precious—where sustaining reasonable growth with traditional strategies is the challenge. But our goal never changes. We strive to enable thriving economies and industries, community vitality, and healthy ecosystems.

The future of humanity will be impacted by our ability to access clean water and sanitation, to eliminate the infrastructure deficit in underserved communities and developing countries, and to deal with the impacts of urbanisation. We also must effect environmental improvements, to foster climate change mitigation and resiliency, and to make the best of our water resources to provide food and energy for a growing population.

Partnering with our clients for unique infrastructure solutions

We thoughtfully approach every water and natural resource project we undertake—whether at the local, regional, or watershed level—executing each one with excellence across all project phases. We partner with our clients to design solutions that address their communities’ unique needs throughout the later infrastructure lifecycle.

We’re better together

  • Become a client

    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

  • Design your career

    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.