Blue and Green Corridors Project
Reducing flood risk, slowing land subsidence, and encouraging neighborhood revitalization
Nature-based solutions (NbS), sometimes referred to as engineering with nature, is a design approach that leverages the positive benefits of natural systems in conjunction with traditional engineering. Weaving natural features and processes into our design work increases long-term human, ecological, and infrastructure resilience to climate change and other environmental impacts.
In the face of warmer global temperatures, increased drought intensity, water quality degradation, biodiversity loss, more severe and frequent storms, flooding, wildfires, sea level rise, and coastal erosion, there’s never been a more urgent time for NbS. Why? It plays a vital role in carbon sequestration by supporting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)—helping to mitigate climate change and generate a multiplicity of benefits.
Our holistic approach supports communities, industry, and our national security through the integration of NbS, resulting in social, economic, and environmental benefits.
Whether the need is a bioswale to mitigate flooding, wetlands to filter storm and wastewater, or a coastal restoration that safeguards infrastructure, Stantec’s NbS program has you covered. When it comes to achieving your environmental, social, and governance (ESG), UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and carbon net zero goals—we bring the needed technical expertise.
Dominic Kempson
Vice President, Environmental Services, Nature-based Solutions
George Athanasakes
Vice President, Ecosystem Restoration, Environmental Services
Stephanie Coffman
Senior Principal, River System & Basin Management Program Lead
Josh Running
Brendan Player
Associate, Nature-based Carbon Solutions Team Lead
Amanda Ludlow
Amy Seek
Natasha Banning
Group Lead, Rehabilitation, Closure and Geoscience
David Jasper
Environmental Science Technical Leader
Bernadette Bezy
Senior Principal, Technical Discipline Leader, Ecology (US)
Megan McCollough
Principal, Civil Engineer
Benjamin Smith
ESG Consultant
McKenzie Zauel
Carbon and Sustainability Analyst
Paola Bernazzani
Principal Consultant
Jonathan Scheibly
Senior Water Resources Engineer
Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.
Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.