Making our communities stronger

From extreme weather to aging populations to global pandemic, our work—professional consulting in disaster response and recovery, risk assessment, mitigation, and design—unites improvements in infrastructure, environment, and quality of life to improve community resilience across the globe. As active members in the communities we serve, when it comes to protecting our homes and the people and places that make them so special, we’re not just talk—we’re actively committed.

We believe resilience is the capacity of people, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems to absorb, endure, adapt, and thrive regardless of chronic stresses and acute shocks that occur. We deploy emerging approaches to help our communities evaluate, measure, and track progress towards resiliency. As you adapt to a changing world, we can help you plan for and envision the future, respond and recover, rebuild smarter and better, or protect and mitigate risk. Resilience is about making our communities stronger, now and in the future, for everyone.

Exploring resiliency in Houston

With response to major natural disasters as a rallying point, Stantec brought together industry experts to spark innovation around a more resilient.

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Anton Germishuizen

You know, I think Sandy really brought this whole issue to bear. I was a resident in Philadelphia at the time, so lived through the storm. When you drive through the communities and see the damage that was caused by a pretty profound natural event, it was a turning point certainly for a lot of the thinking in that region, and I think it's driven a tremendous awareness now.

Brian Larson

My father's house was destroyed through Irene. He lives in Upstate New York in a small town. It basically stripped all its contents: he lost his clothes, his bedding, his books, his albums, his TV, and basically everything.

Bob Seager

We want to create projects that will essentially enhance the natural settings, so we work hard to re-create habitats for wildlife, vegetation that will be resilient, will be able to withstand variations in water flow or temperature, things of that nature.

Lui Mancinelli

I ultimately care about the environments and the communities that we support, that we build, that we live in, and I think resiliency is about making sure that those communities can continue to thrive and those communities are places where  my child and my family live and play and work in.

Stanis Smith

We owe a responsibility to future generations that we're designing buildings that are going to have a lasting legacy, and that aren't just going to be a kind of disposable artifact of our culture.

Anton Germishuizen

I think at Stantec we have a phenomenal opportunity to really have an impact on this agenda. We are a systems-design-driven company. We have a very deep bench with incredible resources to bear on these wicked problems that our clients have to solve, and so it's just a phenomenal opportunity to be able to be here at this time dealing with what I believe will be a bigger issue in the future. We’re going to be seeing more of these needs coming up.

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Building resilience to the impacts of climate change

Our communities are increasingly vulnerable to more frequent and more intense climate change impacts. These climate stressors are impacting the building blocks of our society, threatening our water, food, and energy supplies, affecting economic opportunity, cultural integrity, and human well-being. Climate risk assessments and infrastructure hardening can help communities become more resilient. Learn More

Planning a resilient future for defense communities

Defense communities have unique challenges and opportunities related to addressing their and installation shared vulnerabilities. To help defense communities plan for their future, the framework presented in this report is meant to support their efforts in partnership with the military installations to assess, plan, prioritize, and implement resilience strategies and infrastructure projects. View the Report

Community resilience through sustainable transportation

As the world’s first transportation project to receive an Envision Platinum award for sustainable infrastructure, there’s quite a bit under the hood. Low Level Road improves community mobility, enhances the availability of active transportation options, improves community safety, and mitigates threats from unstable slopes and seismic risks. The design team also contributed to sustainable infrastructure through economic development and stability in the local community. Read More
We understand that the social, environmental, and economic aspects of a community are all connected
Most Sustainable A/E/C Firm

We helped our clients secure and manage pre- and post-disaster funding.
We’ve worked with states, municipalities, regions, tribes, and special districts to develop FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plans.
Corporate Knights ranked Stantec the most sustainable corporation among its industry—our sixth year on the list.


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Water Services Through the life cycle of capture, use, reuse, and discharge, our team works to optimize every facet of a water system.
Urban Planning & Design Our plans help harness the forces reshaping North American communities. We create places that are authentic, green, walkable, connected and diverse.  
Interior Design Designs, initiatives, and projects that support a more sustainable world are how we’re going to reduce harmful impacts and secure our global future.
Architecture We create spaces that are engaging and uplifting, that contribute to our collective sense of health and well-being, and encourage the sustainable stewardship of our communities.
Landscape Architecture Whether it's an urban park, a restored wetland, an athletic complex, or a waterfront destination—through analysis, planning, and design, we create inspired landscapes that reflect context and user needs.
Buildings Engineering With decades of innovation and experience under our belts we’re engineering a promising future leveraging the best in building systems, technology, energy analysis, and sustainable performance.
Environmental Services With 3,100 environmental staff in 20 specialties, we know what to do. When we’re gathering data to permit a new project or collaborating on a plan to remediate an old one, our passion for science drives us.
Community Development We create communities by planning, developing, designing, and implementing the infrastructure needed to sustain their growth.
Transportation Services Working within the context of the communities we serve, we provide planning, engineering, and infrastructure management services that fit the needs of our clients and improve the overall traveler experience.

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    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

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    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.