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The largest river restoration program in the United States

At a Glance

  • 152


Sacramento/San Joaquin County, California
  • US Bureau of Reclamation
Partners in Conservation

San Joaquin River Restoration Program

Stantec was the prime Federal planning and environmental compliance consultant for the San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP) and SJRRP Program Environmental Impact Statement/Report (PEIS/R). This historic effort to restore the San Joaquin River is one of the largest and most ambitious ecosystem restoration projects in the United States. It has two primary goals: restoration and water management.

The program will restore and maintain fish populations in good condition in the main stem of the San Joaquin River below Friant Dam to the confluence of the Merced River, including naturally reproducing and self-sustaining populations of salmon and other fish. It will also reduce or avoid adverse water supply impacts to all of the Friant Division long-term contractors.

The program covers over 152 miles of the San Joaquin River, and features restoration of flows to approximately 59 miles of dry river bed, as well as significant channel and fish passage improvements. We provided planning, environmental compliance and permitting, numerical modeling, engineering, public outreach, and landowner coordination activities. We also prepared over 100 plan formulation and technical documents supporting preparation of the PEIS/R and other major program deliverables.

Direction was set by three Federal and two State agencies. Additional stakeholders included over 20 irrigation districts and 14 environmental interest groups.

At a Glance

  • 152


Sacramento/San Joaquin County, California
  • US Bureau of Reclamation
Partners in Conservation


  • Water
  • Water Resources Infrastructure
Meet Our Team

Ryan Murdock, Vice President

I love developing customized strategies and solutions that are realistic, multi-purpose, implementable, and defensible for my clients.

Kari D. Shively, Senior Vice President, Water

There are many things we can live without, but water is not among them.

Yung-Hsin Sun, Vice President

I’m passionate about collaborating to advance integrated planning and promote the holistic and responsible use of our water resources.

Bill Swanson, Vice President, Global Practice Leader, Water Resources Planning and Management

Water resources planning and management lays the foundation for a broad range of policies, management actions, and implementation of water infrastructure investments.
Bill Swanson Vice President, Global Practice Leader, Water Resources Planning and Management Read More

Ryan Murdock

Vice President

Kari D. Shively

Senior Vice President, Water

Yung-Hsin Sun

Vice President

Bill Swanson

Vice President, Global Practice Leader, Water Resources...

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