Governance, Capacity Building & Policy Reform

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Maximizing impact and sustainability by providing guidance and knowledge

The lack of sound public policies and institutions is often a key constraint to long-term economic growth and a better quality of life for people in the developing world. Smart and well-implemented policy reform and institutional strengthening programs can yield significant social, economic, and environmental benefits, help attract greater private sector investment, and enable more inclusive participation in the local economy by women and other potentially marginalized segments of society. Building off our long history in the global water, natural resources, and infrastructure sectors, we provide a range of support services for donor-funded institutional strengthening and sector reform programs. We also have extensive experience training experts and organizing seminars, workshops and conferences on topics such as climate change and sustainable development.

Increased focus on electrification and energy policies

As part of our support for the EU-funded “Sustainable Energy for All” (SE4All) initiative and other similar assignments, we are providing technical assistance at the national and regional level throughout Sub-Sahara Africa to help beneficiary countries increase investment in the energy sector. We are also supporting water sector reform and infrastructure programs in countries such as Zambia and Sierra Leone for the Millennium Challenge Corporation.
Our People

Christophe Leroy, Operations Director, Belgium

We’re passionate about our role in supporting communities to reach their climate action targets and to move them forward in the energy transition.

Anca Andreescu, Project Management Lead Adviser

Stantec's projects are unique opportunities to share the company's best practices with countries all over the world, while integrating local needs and traditions.

Loren Labovitch, Vice President, Regional Leader, International Development Group (North America)

As trusted advisors and partners, we strive to have a positive and lasting impact for our clients, the environment, and the communities where we work.
Loren Labovitch Vice President, Regional Leader, International Development Group (North America) Read More

Neslihan  Sönmez, Business Development Director

Working for different sectors, different clients, different countries, different projects everyday—is inspiring and motivating.

Christophe Leroy

Operations Director, Belgium

Anca Andreescu

Project Management Lead Adviser

Loren Labovitch

Vice President, Regional Leader, International Developm...

Neslihan  Sönmez

Business Development Director

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