Commerces de détail, hôtels et bâtiments à usage mixte

01 03

Lieux de vie, de travail, de résidence et de divertissement

Ensemble, nous bâtissons des collectivités. Nous travaillons de concert avec vous pour créer des lieux dynamiques et emblématiques pour votre collectivité, ses résidents, ses commerçants, les gens qui y travaillent, les touristes et les résidents des quartiers voisins.

Innovation et revitalisation

351, rue Water : le premier édifice à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador muni d’un système de chauffage novateur à l’eau de mer amène un vent de renouveau sur le centre-ville de St. John’s.

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Mayor Dennis O’Keefe

This is the first modern office building to go up in the west end of Water Street and it’s part of the heritage of the west end and it also revitalizes the west end.

Judy Wall

Our plan right from the beginning was to create a sustainable, innovative, creative building for people to work in. We’ve achieved that through the amount of natural light, the large floor plate which allows for openness.

Kerry Gosse

When you look at the first floors the texture of the building, all blend in with the historic downtown area and then we’ve got 360 degrees of glass all around the perimeter so there’s no bad spaces inside the building. The whole project has opened up the west end of Water Street for the community. There’s a restaurant in the building, there’s shopping back there there’s parking which was in much demand.

Mayor Dennis O’Keefe

It will bring more economic activity and more social activity into the downtown. The ocean and the harbour has always been the heart and soul of the city. We’ve lived by it, we’ve lived of it and on it and this building is an example on how we’re continuing to do that using modern technology.

Kerry Gosse

This building is the first in Newfoundland to be heated and cooled by using sea water.

Judy Wall

We’re using new technology in terms of multi-stack chillers and control systems that allow vastly reduced energy costs.

Mayor Dennis O’Keefe

This is the beginning of the revitalization of the west end of Water Street.

Kerry Gosse

It’s made a statement, it’s recognizable and it has become a landmark.

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Concevoir des commerces, des restaurants et des hôtels qui contribuent au dynamisme des collectivités
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