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You have to know what you're looking for

Our ecology and environmental science specialists can provide valuable information and guidance to help you and your project. We can support you with environmental regulations and permitting, impact assessment, mitigation, restoration, and offsetting as well as with the development and implementation of monitoring programs.

We’re dedicated to proactively identifying and managing environmental issues at all regulatory levels, and we provide support for your project at all life-cycle stages.

Let us help you develop your projects sustainably—for both people and nature.

Keeping natural resources understood and protected

With baseline inventories, we create a model of the current system to find the internal and external linkages. Our work includes rare species identification and management, ecosystem mapping, impact and damage assessments, and restoration solutions. After documenting existing conditions and determining potential impacts, we develop avoidance and mitigation measures that are cost-effective while protecting natural resources.

Keeping projects regulated

Collaborating with you and the appropriate regulatory agencies, we help to develop conservation plans and offset initiatives that promote human involvement in ecosystems that produce positive outcomes. Services include freshwater ecology, marine ecology, ecosystem restoration, natural resource damage assessment (NRDA), terrestrial wildlife, and vegetation, wetlands, and soils.

Finding animals without seeing them

All living organisms leave traces of their presence in the world around them, and that’s something we can look for—environmental DNA (eDNA). The benefit? If you can measure it in the water, you can confirm the presence of a target species without disturbing or even seeing the animals. Now, Stantec can provide eDNA results in the field and take samples to our partner labs. Our scientists across Canada and the US are ready to use eDNA to answer your questions about species that are rare, invasive, or commercially important.

Stantec is honored with an Engineering Excellence Award

The Robinson Preserve Expansion in Bradenton, Florida, restored 150 acres of formerly disturbed farmland to a mosaic of native coastal habitats where wildlife can thrive.

We’re better together

  • Become a client

    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

  • Design your career

    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.