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How do you turn a spaghetti bowl into a gourmet interchange?

At a Glance

  • 2.4


  • $86M

    Construction Value

Wayne Township, New Jersey
  • New Jersey DOT

Route 46, Route 23, and I-80 Interchange Improvements

Lovingly dubbed the “Spaghetti Bowl” by the media, the interchange at Route 46, Route 23, and I-80 in New Jersey frustrates more than 300,000 motorists daily. It’s a complex interconnection of roadways, and it’s one of the busiest in the state. With capacity and operational deficiencies on top of poor physical conditions and safety problems, it was time to make some changes.

We designed the improvements to the I-80 Interchange, widening Route 46 at Galesi Drive and Route 23 near Willowbrook Mall and under the overpass. Fairfield Road was relocated, and access to existing driveways fronting the Routes was modified, bringing the driveways up to current code requirements.

All sign panels and 24 overhead sign structures were replaced to meet current standards. Nine bridges were reconstructed or rehabilitated. Three had to be widened, and six bridge superstructures were replaced to improve vertical clearance over the Interchange. Altogether, these improvements will provide a smoother, safer drive for more than a quarter million people—every day.

At a Glance

  • 2.4


  • $86M

    Construction Value

Wayne Township, New Jersey
  • New Jersey DOT

Meet Our Team

Abdel Denho, Senior Principal

My job is to ensure a thorough inspection of structures like the George Washington and Brooklyn Bridges so you safely get to where you’re going.

Kevin Doyle, Senior Principal, US Aviation Sector Leader, Transportation

What we design has a lasting history and a positive impact on society and our communities.
Kevin Doyle Senior Principal, US Aviation Sector Leader, Transportation Read More

Michael Kalb, Principal

Everything now deemed traditional was once considered experimental; don’t be afraid to try something new.

Michael McDonnell , Vice President

Living in one of the most densely populated states, I understand the importance of well-designed roadways to keep you moving forward.

Robert Minicucci, Senior Associate

Teaching others by example is the best way to pass on experience and good habits.

Albert Roughgarden, Senior Principal

Designing a new roadway means working with both the client and community to maximize a project’s potential while minimizing its impacts.

Russell Saputo , Vice President, Roadways Sector Leader (US)

Roadway design is a collaborative process. Great design happens when the client and the community get involved.
Russell Saputo Vice President, Roadways Sector Leader (US) Read More

Abdel Denho

Senior Principal

Kevin Doyle

Senior Principal, US Aviation Sector Leader, Transporta...

Michael Kalb


Michael McDonnell

Vice President

Robert Minicucci

Senior Associate

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