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Identifying and prioritizing potential interventions to develop an enhanced active travel network for East Lothian’s west-central region

East Lothian, Scotland
  • East Lothian Council

East Lothian Council Routes4Communities

East Lothian Council wanted to evaluate their current active travel network in the west-central region of their county and determine areas of improvement and enhancement for the future. They reached out to us to help.

We conducted a thorough review of the existing active travel network and considered several key elements. For environmental factors, we focused on the likely impact on biodiversity and cultural heritage. We centered our analysis of health, safety, and wellbeing on the likelihood of personal injuries and promotion active and healthier lifestyles. Lastly, we looked at accessibility and social inclusion such as linking communities to education, employment, local centers, and public transportation interchanges.

Now with a study that presents a well-evidenced program of projects for the development of the future active travel network, the Council can make the best use of internal and external funding opportunities over the coming years.

East Lothian, Scotland
  • East Lothian Council

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Ralston Mackenzie, Director, Sustainable Transport

I always work with the aim to enable smart and sustainable transport solutions for our clients and communities.

Ralston Mackenzie

Director, Sustainable Transport

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