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Restorative work

October 28, 2024

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Amy Flansburg, Aaron Feggestad, and James Melledy tell Great Lakes By Design about ecosystem restoration and its impact on habitat, people, and more

Dynamic, complex, and often painstakingly long-term, Stantec’s ecosystem restoration initiative seeks to enhance human, ecological, and infrastructure resilience through natured-based solutions. The company takes a holistic and results-oriented approach aimed at the long game and informed by a passionate, multidisciplinary team dedicated to re-establishing ecological function to damaged or degraded environments that ultimately benefit habitats, people, and future generations.

Three projects exemplify this approach. They are the Openlands Lakeshore Preserve in Highland Park, Illinois; Chicago Park District in Chicago; and ComEd Pollinator Habitat Restoration in various locations in the Midwest. All three projects represent the complexity, nuance, and time often required in the restoration, rehabilitation, and ongoing adaptive management strategies dedicated to self-sustaining ecosystems.

However, all three projects were informed by goals like the protection and stewardship of remaining high-quality natural communities, such as the last vestiges of prairies, and the strategic restoration of natural communities from scratch in areas where they are not present due to historic land use.

  • Aaron Feggestad

    Aaron is a senior ecologist who focuses on ecosystem restoration, delivering site-specific and practical solutions based on conservation and regulatory-driven goals in natural and built environments.

    Contact Aaron
  • Amy Flansburg

    Amy offers clients, such as utilities and solar farms, advice on ecology, wildlife biology and environmental permitting, pollinator restoration, and regulations relating to terrestrial invertebrates, to help them be more sustainable.

    Contact Amy
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