Precincts & Stations

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Creating places to support better public transport

The public transport experience starts long before the bus stops at the curb and the train arrives at the station—it starts when a person considers their options to get from place to place. 

Public transport facilities have a lot to accomplish. They need to support easy, safe, and comfortable public transport, and designs should create clear movement patterns and manage conflict. Our teams work to understand and respond to the concept of place, and they don’t let individual system elements such as canopies and seating get forgotten—often it’s the details that are key when it comes to improving your customer’s experience. 

There are no basics in station design. They need to operate as an ecosystem made up of transport, place, technology, people, and client requirements. A place that clearly recalls that people—not buses, trucks, cars, or trains—are the focus of the entire system.

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    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.