An environmental scientist based in Anchorage, Ryan is a lifelong Alaskan who’s spent the last 13 years studying biology and its interactions with development. He mediates solutions between stakeholders, with the goal of overcoming stereotypes to build practical projects. His projects include three 150-plus mile roads, a 700-mile pipeline, and hydroelectric facilities—he’s also been involved in several major offshore Arctic oil programs.
Ryan is a firm believer that interpersonal relationships and attitudes have the most important impact on project success. In his experience, sometimes the best insight for a project is not found in a boardroom, but at a community potluck after a public meeting in a school cafeteria.
Ryan’s passion for the environment goes beyond his work hours. He is a private pilot, an avid backpacker, and a Nordic skier. He spends most of his free time exploring the remote Alaskan mountains and valleys, always eager for the season to change so he can strap on the next set of equipment.