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Bridging the Gap programme of research

March 28, 2022

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A major new research project about people and place: the missing piece of the surface transport decarbonisation agenda

When Britain’s plan for transport decarbonisation was published in 2021, it was widely welcomed, albeit with some reservations from some informed commentators. Many pointed out the welcome level of ambition and clear actions that could be seen to provide routes towards decarbonisation of the sector.

However, less welcome was the seeming reliance on technology transformation as the key to unlock a sector highly resistant to change, and the lack of focus on the need for behavioural change.  

Stantec and the Universities of Leeds, Lancaster and Newcastle and Transport for the North have launched a major new programme of research. This work is aimed at understanding how planning and design can influence our transition to net zero mobility places. Critical to the success of this programme will be working with key stakeholders to deliver study outcomes through practical experience and collaborative endeavours.

This one-year study will be based on real locations and challenges. Making use of Transport for the North’s work on Future Travel Scenarios, it will develop alternative place typologies as ‘visions’ based on urban centre, urban edge and new community locations, and will use these to establish the place-based parameters that could most influence the delivery of low carbon mobility futures. 

The study has now concluded and you can download the full report.

  • Keith Mitchell

    Keith provides strategic advice relating to major infrastructure planning and transport decarbonisation. He has worked on a wide range of national infrastructure and planning projects in the UK, as well as in the European Union and Australia.

    Contact Keith
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