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The third environmental assessment mining approval in Ontario’s history

At a Glance

  • 2200

    Hectare Proposed Site

Municipality of Greenstone, Ontario

The Hardrock Project

Greenstone Gold Mines (GGM) wanted to establish a new open pit gold mine in Greenstone Ontario, northeast of Thunder Bay. We were brought in to manage the complex preparation of a coordinated federal-provincial environmental assessment (and related studies). This included the development of a provincial terms of reference and a federal project description, a draft and final environmental impact statement/environmental assessment (EIS/EA), and numerous studies and technical reports to support the submissions.

Our traditional knowledge (TK) specialists worked with the environmental assessment team and GGM to integrate TK and the results of a client-led Indigenous engagement program into the design and execution of the EIS/EA. This included culturally important areas, species and habitats of interest, mitigation measures, and suggested follow-up and monitoring.

Stantec received a positive decision statement in December 2018 and March 2019 from the federal and provincial governments on the EIS/EA, respectively. Now? We’re undertaking a permitting program for the project and supporting detailed design as the project advances toward construction.

At a Glance

  • 2200

    Hectare Proposed Site

Municipality of Greenstone, Ontario

Meet Our Team

Michelle Fraser, Principal, Technical Discipline Leader, Water Resources (Canada)

Work together—no one is successful on their own, there's always a network of people and experiences behind them.
Michelle Fraser Principal, Technical Discipline Leader, Water Resources (Canada) Read More

Sheldon Smith, Senior Hydrologist

Hydrology, surface water, and geomorphology are key aspects in our mining and oil and gas projects.

Michelle Fraser

Principal, Technical Discipline Leader, Water Resources...

Sheldon Smith

Senior Hydrologist

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