Working as a consulting engineer and program manager in the water industry for over 20 years, Ben has been involved in many water projects around the country. He has extensive experience with the design and construction of ozone and ultraviolet, chemical, and pumping systems as well as water quality monitoring and facility startup.
As a deputy program manager with our Water Group, Ben is responsible for managing the consultant team supporting the City of San Diego with delivery of Phase 1 of the Pure Water Program. Since joining us, he’s worked closely alongside our project controls team, developing key performance indicators and improving reports and dashboards to measure program performance. He’s also facilitated readiness activities to get facilities on target for startup at the appropriate time. When complete, the program is intended provide the city with around half of its drinking water and significantly reduce ocean discharges.
When he isn’t busy helping lead water programs, Ben is active with the International Ozone Association - Pan American Group (IOA-PAG). He recently produced the Oxygen and Ozone Safety Training video available through IOA-PAG’s website.