Wastewater Treatment

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Waste-to-resource solutions

We’ve designed processes to satisfy discharge limits that push the boundaries of existing solutions. And we continue to undertake research in the application of developing technologies, such as treatment for removal of emerging contaminants, reuse, and nutrient recovery.

Sewage should no longer be viewed as only a waste product. From energy generation to fertilizer production, I help our clients maximize the potential of their wastewater.

Rob Simm Senior Vice President, Emergent Sector Leader, Water

An innovative “no sludge” solution

Unlike other municipal wastewater treatment plants, which traditionally use primary and secondary treatment incorporating clarifiers, we designed a modified biological trickling filter process without primary or secondary clarifiers. This eliminates the need for any sludge treatment and subsequent disposal, and is a first for New Zealand. Read More

P3 Success - On Time, Under Budget

With continued and projected growth and more stringent regulatory requirements being imposed at the end of 2016, the City of Regina undertook a comprehensive review of its wastewater treatment processes and is implementing a major upgrade program. Stantec was the lead designer for the EPCOR Saskatchewan Partners team for the design, build, finance, operate, and maintain project. This is one of the city's largest and most complex capital projects to date. Read More
The most appropriate, cost-effective solution the first time, every time.
Alternative Delivery Projects

We have designed wastewater treatment facilities around the globe, ranging in size from 0.25-mgd to more than 800-mgd.
Plants designed by our team treat over 10 billion gallons of wastewater per day, every day.
P3. DB. CMAR. No matter how your treatment plant project is delivered, we can help.


Financial Services & Management Your utility's success depends on avoiding financial turmoil--we’re ready to work with you to identify difficulties in advance, to analyze your options, and to plot the course for a safe arrival at your future.
Geotechnical Engineering & Materials Testing Our geotechnical engineers and material specialists are focused on solving complex design, construction, and rehabilitation issues impacting the communities where we live and work.
Trenchless Our expertise in trenchless technologies lets you build, maintain, or replace pipes while minimizing surface disruption.
Tunneling We focus on risk avoidance and mitigation with robust management programs that maximize constructability to deliver tunneling solutions that provide the best value.
Water Services Through the life cycle of capture, use, reuse, and discharge, our team works to optimize every facet of a water system.

We’re better together

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    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

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    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.