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Published: Structural engineer rides out 7.0 quake in Anchorage, then inspects for damage

January 10, 2019

What’s it like to experience a massive earthquake and then get to work checking to make sure the city is safe? Structural engineer Bruce Hopper explains.

On November 30, 2018, the Anchorage, Alaska, area was hit by a powerful earthquake that crumbled roads, damaged hundreds of buildings, and sent the community into shock. Bruce Hopper, PE, SE, is a senior structural engineer in Stantec’s Anchorage, Alaska, office. He’s lived and worked in the state for 30-plus years. He knows about earthquakes—and how to design to withstand them.

Bruce share his insights from the moment the 7.0 earthquake hit (he was walking to the print room to grab a document) to his structural investigations since the quake and his perspective on why Anchorage came away mostly unscathed.

Read the article in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce.

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