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Session 1 - Climate Solutions

August 03, 2022

September 27 | 8:30 am - 9:55 am MT

Climate change affects all of us, and the problem can be so big, it begs the question—where and how do you start to react, respond to, and address this crisis that is defining our times? This session will outline practical tools to help you mitigate and adapt to climate change.


Morning Sessions Introduction

Frances Wiese, Senior Director of Climate Solutions will set the stage for the first two sessions of the day, with an overview of key trends, challenges, and opportunities associated with our natural environment.

Time: 8:30 am -8:40 am MT

Big (Climate) Data: An impetus to risk assessment innovation

Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a wealth of new climate data. The details are critical to consider as you develop and refine your long-term climate strategies to account for wildfires, floods, and other physical climate hazards. Discover how Stantec’s suite of digital climate solutions can help you by delivering more comprehensive physical risk assessments in less time.

Time: 8:45 am - 8:55 am MT

Cascading Climate Events and Predictions: Virtual weather and debris flows    

What if you could better protect your communities from the problems posed by climate change? As part of Stantec’s suite of Geohazards tools, DebrisFlow Predictor helps professionals determine the impacts of climate driven debris flows; STORM predicts when landslide thresholds have been exceeded or flood levels are too high. Both aim to reduce the impacts of geohazards on humans and the things we care about.

Time: 9:00 am - 9:10 am MT
Presenter: Rick Guthrie

Building decarbonization: The urgency and value

Building decarbonization can have a major impact on limiting global warming to 1.5°C while also increasing asset and portfolio value. We’ll show how today’s building standards are leading to the obsolete buildings of tomorrow, discuss changes coming to building design standards and mandates, explain why building owners must invest now to prevent costly upgrades, and share examples that highlight triple bottom line ROI.

Time: 9:15 am - 9:25 am MT
Presenter: Beth Tomlinson

What’s All the Buzz About Solar Energy?

What do you do when green energy isn’t enough? A US DOE-funded project works to answer this question by bringing together researchers, solar developers, and environmental practitioners to investigate ecological, economic, and performance benefits of utility-scale solar. Our findings will help clients navigate uncertainties in the emerging practice of pollinator and biodiversity-driven management.

Time: 9:25 am - 9:40 am MT

Cleaning Up the Mess: Quantifying carbon offsets with NbCS

The unregulated and ever-changing effort to measure carbon offsets is daunting for clients taking action to reach their net zero and carbon neutral targets. Our Carbon Offset Tool streamlines the carbon crediting process. Paired with Stantec’s CarbonWATCH service—which monitors climate sequestration across large sites and in remote areas—we can easily identify a path for our clients to follow to reach their goals.

Time: 9:40 am - 9:55 am MT
Presenter: Brendan Player

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