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How to spend COVID relief funding to improve K12 environments

June 16, 2021

A panel of Stantec team members investigating the ins and outs of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding shares tips and findings on how to optimize spending to improve K12 buildings.

  • Bill  Bradley

    As an architect, Bill plans and designs safe, effective, and inspiring learning environments—school design that supports students, teachers, and communities. He’s an Accredited Learning Environments Planner and a LEED accredited professional.

    Contact Bill
  • Heidi Peper

    Heidi’s a senior funding leader for Stantec’s North American Funding Program, a network of more than 250 funding specialists, securing funding for community projects from pedestrian trails and highways to wastewater and drinking water, and more.

    Contact Heidi
  • Casimir Zalewski

    Casimir is an integral part of the operations and standardization of our structural, mechanical, and electrical disciplines.

    Contact Casimir
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