Using Environmental DNA (eDNA) to Improve Biological Assessments
May 13, 2022
May 13, 2022
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Dr. Nate Marshall shares how to advance management and monitoring practices using eDNA in the Ohio Water Environment Association’s Buckeye Bulletin
New technology that detects eDNA, allows scientists to identify aquatic species without the need to capture or even see them within the environment, and is proving to be invaluable in water protection and infrastructure projects. Traditionally, characterizing biodiversity requires field crews, trained in morphological identification, to physically capture and identify the organisms at a given site.
Stantec uses eDNA to describe entire community composition, assess ecological health, detect federally-listed or invasive species, and we view the methodology as an effective and complementary tool to conventional survey methods.
Focused on the development and implementation of environmental DNA (eDNA), Nathaniel has worked on freshwater mussel conservation and the early detection of invasive species.
Contact Nathaniel