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Design Quarterly Issue 08 | Wellness & Active Lifestyles

December 18, 2019

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Thoughts, trends, and innovation from the Stantec Buildings group

The Stantec Design Quarterly tells stories that showcase thoughtful, forward-looking approaches to design that build community 


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The built environment influences our wellness. In fact, it wasn’t so long ago that buildings themselves were considered significant barriers to wellness. Sick building syndrome (SBS) emerged a catch-all term for the effects of volatile chemicals, poor ventilation, and other conditions of post-war structures on building occupants. Being inside was making people ill. The design industry responded with the creation of new benchmarks around practices that promote well-being. Today, that evolution continues, addressing a rising hunger for wellness amenities. In this issue, we look at the way that demand and an elevated consciousness about the role design can play in wellness influences our work from healthcare to workplace.

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