How AI will reshape work in civil engineering, related professions
December 11, 2024
By Jeff Albee
For Civil Engineering Magazine, Jeff Albee stresses the importance of finding a balance between human needs and computing efficiencies
The proliferation of artificial intelligence is reshaping how the architecture, engineering, and construction sector operates as firms grapple with the rapidly evolving capabilities of these systems. Finding an appropriate blend of humanity and machinery is key to ensuring not only the security of engineering outcomes but of engineering jobs as well.
As in many sectors of the economy, AI is transforming the business and practice of engineering. While certain AI-powered models have been around for years, engineers only recently have begun to rely on such systems for their day-to-day work.
For many in the AEC world, the attitude toward AI is: “Use it now!” But engineering leaders should avoid rushing to adopt the technology across their workflows just because everyone else is doing it. Without the right governance and quality controls for AI, those firms will put their own reputation at risk as well as the reputation of engineering overall. They need to acknowledge that only the collective energy and efforts of AEC leaders throughout the industry will ensure the long-term success of AI platforms in this sector.
Jeff supports science, engineering, and design technology advancements from the earliest research to the maintenance phase of Stantec’s digital products and projects.
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