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Coastal power plant anti-corrosion practices

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Daniel Swanberg, Eric Allen, and John Yang write about corrosion challenges facing coastal power plants in Materials Performance Magazine

By Daniel Swanberg, Eric Allen, and John Yang

Coastal power plants exposed to a marine environment face significant corrosion challenges, particularly within the seawater circulating water (CW) system. In Materials Performance Magazine, Stantec’s Daniel Swanberg, Eric Allen, and John Yang explore effective corrosion prevention strategies for managing corrosion issues of seawater handling equipment.

Key topics include material selection, cathodic protection (CP), and protective coatings. The discussion will cover CP for condenser water boxes, seawater CW pumps, the interiors of seawater pipes, and seawater intake structures. Additionally, the article will briefly address the coating system selection for above-ground facilities. The analysis and recommendations draw upon extensive corrosion engineering experiences from coastal power plant projects.

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