Travel Planning

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A unique approach to achieving clients’ travel plan objectives

Whether we’re aiming just to secure planning permission or to help the client gain recognition for achieving sustainability – our Travel planning team have what it takes. We prepare, negotiate and manage personalised travel plans for a range of clients. We’ve developed processes for linking targets and modal shift to the travel plan measures – a useful tool in negotiating and justifying specific measures within the travel plan.

Our approach to transportation planning and design has rapid change in people’s mobility needs and addressing the climate emergency at its heart.

Dougie McDonald Director of Growth and Integration

Related Services

Transport Modelling & Assessment Our understanding of the wider transport context has allowed us to unlock many complicated sites for future development.
Transport Planning, Strategy & Research We undertake policy and strategy work for local and central government and government agencies.
Future Mobility & Smart Cities We bring together a fusion of skills from transport planning to engineering to data analytics and programming to deliver innovation in transport and smart cities projects from concept to deployment.
Future Mobility & Smart Cities We provide Intelligent Transportation by integrating information and communication technologies in our infrastructure to manage and improve the reliability and efficiency of our transportation network.

We’re better together

  • Become a client

    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

  • Design your career

    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.