Ground Engineering

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We dig deep in the ground to find solutions for our clients

Our holistic life-cycle approach to ground engineering services means we create solutions with value and precision to achieve our client’s goals. Varied geology and land use history give rise to the UK's wide-ranging ground conditions. These require sound understanding and innovative engineering to optimise development. Characterisation of strata and groundwater conditions is a prerequisite to mitigating geotechnical, geohazard and contaminated land problems.

We share our customer’s goals and are invested in delivering successful outcomes.

Jeremy Coulton Director, Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental

Contaminated Land

With a long history of delivering commercially astute, sustainable, robust solutions to contamination issues, we have a proven track record of turning challenging brownfield sites into viable development opportunities. We offer a comprehensive range of contaminated land services from initial appraisals, intrusive investigation and risk assessment to design and project management of remediation operations. Our experienced professionals interrogate soil, water and gas data to provide pragmatic solutions.


Geohazards include landslides, ground cavities, rockfalls, ground subsidence, and erosive forces. These hazards pose risks to new and existing developments, infrastructure and people. We have experience in the assessment and mitigation of geohazards, to develop resilient and adaptive solutions for risky ground. Our Natural Cavities and Mining Databases allow rapid assessment of the potential for instability as part of our extensive and longstanding geohazards services. Read More

Geotechnical Engineering

We provide geotechnical expertise to the entire development spectrum - from planning, investigation, and design to execution and quality control. We deliver ground investigation works to inform the ground model, undertake concept and detailed design, and provide site support and quality control during construction. We utilise our experience with decades of on-the-ground experience and databases, to identify development constraints, optimise design solutions and deliver successful geotechnical outcomes.


The interaction between ground engineering and groundwater is supported by our hydrogeologists. We assess risks to controlled waters from discharges, excavations, proposed construction activities, heat and contaminated land during site assessment and construction. We use analytical and modelling tools in groundwater risk assessments, and provide expertise in designing and managing dewatering, pumping tests and discharge of groundwater in greenfield and brownfield projects.


Structural Engineering We deliver reliable, solid, and beautiful structures that withstand the test of time.
Regeneration & Renewal Maximising value from your real estate.
Planning, Consenting & Approvals Enabling economic development by solving environmental challenges.
Civil Engineering & Project Management Our skills as project managers are evident in the many diverse construction developments we’ve successfully delivered across the UK including public sector highway expansions and research laboratories.
Cavities Database Stantec’s extensive databases of natural cavities and mining cavities can be used to quickly check for potential instability and identify locations that might require special further assessment.
Sustainability, Energy & Climate Change Our strategic advice on carbon management and resource efficiency, climate change and resilience, natural and social capital, helps our clients select sustainable solutions.
Protecting, Enhancing the Natural Environment Designing solutions which enhance our environment.
Design & Construction Support Environment support through asset creation.

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