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Digital Impact Assessment: A Primer for Embracing Innovation and Digital Working

July 17, 2020

By Gemma Stubbs

Find out how the digital impact assessment primer can help environmental professionals explore digital practices and emerging technologies

Since entering lock down, businesses around the globe have had to adopt new digital working practices and/or increase the capacity of their existing digital and IT infrastructure to facilitate the continuation of their businesses (where possible).

The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) has launched a Digital Impact Assessment (IA) Primer providing an update to environmental professionals on the latest developments in undertaking impact assessments digitally.

With this acceleration of digital working, the timing of the new Digital IA Primer, published on 25 March 2020 could not have been timed better for the Environmental sector. The Digital IA primer was developed by practising Impact Assessment professionals drawn from IEMA’s Impact Assessment Network. 

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As a member of the IEMA Digital Steering Group, Stantec’s Gemma Stubbs, Senior GIS Consultant have been working collaboratively with industry professionals to develop the publication of the Digital IA Primer. This has been a great opportunity to draw on Stantec’s capabilities in the Digital IA revolution as well as learning and networking with like-minded professionals from a variety of backgrounds.

The Digital IA Primer is aimed at facilitating discussions across the industry by outlining the current situation, and the opportunities and challenges faced by Digital IA, across several themes being regulatory, data, technology and tools, cultural and approach, communication and time and costs.

The Digital IA Primer has been created for IA practitioners, reviewers and stakeholders, however, much of the key themes and topics addressed are relevant to any industry facing a digital revolution.

A pre-launch webinar was delivered by the Digital Steering Group to introduce the key themes of the new Primer, along with guidance on why digital impact assessment is needed and the opportunities and challenges it presents.

The Digital IA Primer is available for free to IEMA members here and for non-members a PDF can be purchased here.

Volume 6 of the IEMA Outlook Journal on Digital Impact Assessment was published on the 19 May alongside a microsite detailing specific examples of the various digital solutions being applied within the industry already, which has also been put together by the working group.

The future ambitions of the group include but are not limited to, regulatory change, data standards, collaboration with other specialists, engagement with creative practices for communicating IA, practical guidance development through the IA process.

The Digital Steering group were Highly Commended at the IEMA Sustainability Impact Awards 2020 in the Consultancy and Collaboration category. 

The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment is the professional body for everyone working in environment and sustainability. If you would like any more information or to get involved, please contact Gemma Stubbs.

  • Gemma Stubbs

    An experienced and capable GIS professional, Gemma has 19 years of experience across a range of business sectors and industries, both public and private, all of which have had an environmental emphasis.

    Contact Gemma
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