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Small modular reactors in the UK: Driving energy security with nuclear power

February 26, 2024

By Peter Sibley and Jag Singh

SMRs can provide strong, clean baseload generation capacity with no greenhouse gases

As we push forward with the energy transition, experts from around the globe are coming together to develop thoughtful solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues. The most obvious challenge we face is continuing to power our communities while reducing the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions being released into the atmosphere. But in trying to solve this problem, other challenges arise.

How can we deliver clean energy to regions that can’t generate it? How can we secure the water supply needed for large-scale hydrogen production? How can we responsibly power future technology industries such as data centres and AI? And, most importantly, how can we establish a reliable energy grid when we depend on intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar power?

Traditional fossil fuel power generation is a significant GHG emitter. But it offers a reliable baseload capacity that is crucial for confidence in a grid. As we transition to cleaner energy like wind and solar, their intermittent nature poses challenges at grid scale. More small modular reactors (SMRs) in the UK offers one solution to reduce emissions while maintaining grid reliability. They also offer a solution for decentralised power demands.

SMRs are advanced nuclear reactors. They can generate reliable, consistent power while emitting no GHGs. This is why they are such a hot topic with utilities and high-demand power users right now. Both Russia and China have operational SMRs, and multiple provinces in Canada are exploring use. Saskatchewan is planning enough SMR capacity to potentially provide an energy surplus.

The marketplace for small modular reactors in the UK is growing quickly. It has gained momentum across multiple areas key to use, including regulatory interactions, identification of suitable sites, and public acceptance. Indeed, the UK government is nearing completion of its vendor-assessment phase. It will result in backing for one or more successful SMR vendors (potentially financial and/or access to sites) to support progression through to deployment.

In our roles, we see the developing marketplace being rich with opportunities and gaining momentum. But the emerging technologies and benefits offered aren’t yet widely understood. Here, we review SMRs and explore the ways small modular reactors in the UK can help provide reliable power to communities and other high-demand power users while driving the clean energy transition forward.

3D illustration of an atom

SMRs are advanced nuclear reactors that can help us generate reliable, consistent power while releasing no GHGs into the atmosphere.

What are small modular reactors?

Before getting into the history of SMRs and the future of small modular reactors in the UK, let’s address nuclear as a power source. A lot of people thinking about nuclear power likely think of the catastrophic failure in Chernobyl back in 1986 as a primary reference. That’s understandable—the tragedy had massive consequences that are still felt today. With new technology, the probability of large-scale accidents with SMRs are close to zero. According to experts from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, most new SMR technologies “improve safety over existing reactors by employing passive safety systems that do not rely on electrical power sources or operators’ intervention to function during accidents.” They are inherently safe and present far less risk than ‘traditional’ nuclear plants. As a cleaner energy source, nuclear can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and their associated impacts from GHG emissions and air pollution.

SMRs generate power from nuclear fission, a process by which atoms of uranium (and in some cases plutonium) are split. This creates thermal energy. That energy is used to generate steam to spin turbines and produce electricity. Scientists first generated electricity from nuclear fission in the mid-1950s. Early SMRs were used for decades on naval applications like submarines and warships. Then in 2007, nuclear scientists at Oregon State University invented the first commercial SMR. Since then, companies have been working to employ SMRs at scale, working with local governments, end users, and communities to make this nuclear dream a reality.

However, there are a few barriers to overcome when looking at small modular reactors in the UK:

  • Public perception: Our communities need to feel safe and secure when adopting nuclear technology. This is especially true where it’s not been used in the past. We can achieve this through education, effective stakeholder engagement, and strong community relations. It’s critical to focus on addressing commonly held misconceptions regarding nuclear technology, which is one of the safest industries in the world. This will be important in efforts to integrate more small modular reactors in the UK.
  • Cost: These projects require a huge up-front investment. They can range from hundreds of millions to perhaps £1-2 billion per reactor unit, depending upon the technology and power output. Those numbers may seem daunting at first. How can we trust the economic viability of an energy programme we haven’t really experienced before? As we’ll discuss, the economics of an SMR programme can be valuable to communities who embrace it. And while the capital cost to build these facilities is significant, the cost of electricity to consumers will likely have a reduction over the life of the facility. According to GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, the levelised cost of electricity for SMRs could be less than £60 per megawatt hour, far less than electricity produced from traditional fossil fuels. These estimates can vary and will likely change over time, but it’s great to see large financial institutions embracing nuclear energy as a sector to focus on going forward.
  • Waste: People are often concerned about the long-term management of nuclear waste materials. However, SMRs produce very little waste. And there are technologies—both available now and in development—that enable recycling of waste through some of the reactor types themselves.
  • Access to sites: Whilst the development of SMR technologies is moving ahead, access to suitable development sites is critical. Siting options could include: 1) on or adjacent to existing nuclear sites, 2) at a former fossil fuel site (with an existing grid connection), or 3) somewhere new. The new sites might be linked to a high-demand power user such as a data centre or hydrogen-production plant. Both the acquisition and subsequent licensing and permitting of such sites is a key factor.

These are some of the perceived challenges facing small modular reactors in the UK. Let’s now review some of the key benefits these facilities can bring to countries and communities that embrace the technology.

SMRs not only provide energy security, but also social, economic, and environmental benefits.

The benefits of small modular reactors in the UK

The clearest benefits of SMRs and small modular reactors in the UK relates to production of low-carbon power, enhanced energy security, and co-development with a range of high-demand power uses. They give us the ability to generate consistent, clean power—24 hours a day, 7 days a week. SMRs also don’t depend on specific location characteristics in the way wind or solar must. They can generally be installed anywhere and plugged into the electrical infrastructure we’ve been using for decades.

Other benefits to having more small modular reactors in the UK include:

  • Socioeconomics: One of the biggest benefits of an SMR program is the investment these projects can bring to the communities where they are sited. Having reliable power at an affordable cost can bring great prosperity. Plus, the infusion of that kind of capital into a local economy can have a profound impact on regional services, such as bolstering small businesses, increased school funding, and other social programs.
  • Job creation: Another benefit that SMRs bring is the creation of well-paid jobs. The lifecycle for SMRs is approximately 60 years. This includes the design and construction of the SMR; work on the transmission and distribution services, along with operation and maintenance; and eventual decommissioning. Additionally, SMR projects will require environmental planning and consenting. They will also need ongoing monitoring and sometimes up-front site remediation services. It is critical to promote robust environmental stewardship—from before these projects are started until long after they’re finished.
  • Powering rural and remote communities: One of our favourite features of SMRs is just how ideal they are for rural, remote, and Indigenous communities. A lot of these communities around the world aren’t connected to the larger electrical grid. They must generate power themselves. Microgrids have become an increasingly popular option, and SMRs can serve these well. They can help generate and distribute power and help heavy industries like remote mining sites to decarbonise. 
  • Powering data centres: SMRs are emerging globally as a transformative solution for powering data centres. Unlike traditional large-scale nuclear plants, SMRs are smaller, cheaper, and faster to deploy. This makes them highly attractive for both investors and operators. Big tech companies—alongside startups like X-Energy, Last Energy, and TerraPower—are advancing SMR technology. That tech can help deliver dedicated, localised energy solutions for users like data centres.
Exterior rendering of an ARC facility.

A rendering of an ARC facility that highlights how SMRs can complement renewable energy. Image Credit: ARC Clean Technology.

Different kinds of SMR technology

SMRs are relatively new compared to most of our traditional energy infrastructure. And the technology will only continue to evolve as we embrace this innovation. Markets will follow accordingly. Here are a few main types of SMRs currently under development:

  • GE-Hitachi BWRX300, (Generation III, thermal neutron spectrum): The BWRX300 is a water-cooled, natural circulation reactor that uses boiling water reactor technology. It is designed to be cost-competitive with gas. It can be deployed for electricity generation and industrial applications, including hydrogen production, desalination, and district heating. The reactor has a net electrical capacity of 300 megawatts (MW) and a refuelling cycle of 12 to 24 months. The fuel is low-enriched uranium in pellet form. The approach to safety systems is fully passive and the design life is 60 years.
  • Last Energy’s PWR-20: A fully modular reactor with a power output of 20 MW. The PWR-20 uses established nuclear technology in a four-loop pressurised water reactor (PWR) with standard, full length PWR off-the-shelf fuel. The closed cycle air cooling tertiary loop requires under 1 gallon per minute of water use, the capacity factor has 95 percent uptime, a 72-month fuel cycle, and refuelling period under 3 months. It’s designed for factory fabrication, standard road transport, 4 month on-site assembly time, a footprint of 0.3 acres, and expedited commissioning. The PWR-20 combines nuclear technology found in hundreds of power plants globally with minimal land and water requirements. It can quickly and reliably deliver clean baseload power directly to heavy energy users.
  • X-Energy’s XE-100 (Generation IV, thermal neutron spectrum): The XE-100 uses TRISO (tri-structural isotropic) fuel, which is not typical of current technology. This fuel is made up of tiny uranium kernels coated with multiple layers of carbon and ceramic materials and contained in graphite pebbles, making the reactor robust and inherently safer. The reactor is a high-temperature gas reactor using helium as the coolant. The design allows for continuous operation and online refuelling, which means the reactor can run for extended periods without shutdowns. The reactor can produce high-temperature steam for electricity generation and industrial processes. That makes it favourable for a variety of applications and its scalability is an important advantage with a base model of 80 MW that can be expanded into larger power plants as required.
  • ARC Clean Technology ARC-100 (Generation IV, fast neutron spectrum): The ARC-100 is a 100 MW liquid metal fast reactor. It uses liquid metal as the reactor coolant in place of the water that is typically used in commercial nuclear power plants. The fast neutron spectrum allows fast reactors to use both fissile materials and reprocessed spent nuclear fuel to produce heat. The fuel for the reactor is currently metallic HALEU pellets. The refuelling cycle is expected around 20 years. Liquid sodium metal allows the ARC-100 to operate at higher temperatures and lower pressures than current reactors. It also improves the thermal efficiency of the reactor. This is perfect for industrial steam applications such as supporting oil sands and mining operations. The design includes passive safety features that do not require operator intervention. The ARC-100 will also have a design life of 60 years.
  • Moltex Energy SSR-W (Generation IV, fast neutron spectrum): The fast spectrum “Wasteburner” SSR-W Molten Salt 300 MW is fuelled by higher actinides from recycled conventional spent fuel. Unlike other technologies, molten salt reactors (MSR) use molten fluoride or chloride salts as a coolant. This provides greater thermal properties than water, allowing operations at higher temperatures. The Moltex reactor has the trans-uranic elements dissolved in the salt forming liquid fuel in assemblies as opposed to solid fuel pellets. MSRs are designed to use less fuel and produce shorter-lived radioactive waste than other reactor types. They have the potential to notably change the safety posture and economics of nuclear energy production by processing fuel online, removing waste products, and adding fresh fuel without lengthy refuelling outages. Their operation can be tailored for the efficient burn up of plutonium and minor actinides, which could allow MSRs to consume waste from other reactors. The reactor has passive safety features. The design life is yet to be confirmed but is expected to be in line with other SMR technologies.
Atomic Particle 3D Illustration

SMRs should continue to part of the discussion around energy security as we push forward with the energy transition.

Driving the energy transition with small modular reactors in the UK

The transition away from fossil fuels and toward sources of renewable and low-carbon energy is part of a mission to protect the planet for future generations. In doing this, we must protect the long-term continuity of a reliable, resilient electrical grid that can deliver power to communities when they need it. Wind and solar generation generally can’t achieve that alone. That’s where small modular reactors in the UK can provide value to our energy infrastructure.

SMRs not only provide energy security but also social, economic, and environmental benefits. We can put them almost anywhere. And they can help us to power rural and remote communities that aren’t tied into the grid. A significant investment? Yes. Significant positive outcomes? Definitely.

We are pushing forward with the energy transition. Small modular reactors in the UK should be part of the discussion around energy security and energy network decarbonisation.

Want to learn more about small modular reactors in the UK? Reach out to us directly. 

  • Peter Sibley

    With 20 years of experience in the nuclear sector, Peter is the divisional director of Stantec’s nuclear management consultancy team. He contributes to nationally significant nuclear infrastructure and radioactive waste strategy development projects.

    Contact Peter
  • Jag Singh

    Jag has extensive experience in the nuclear energy, renewable, and oil and gas sectors—providing solutions for a sustainable, clean energy future. He specializes in nuclear energy and small modular reactors.

    Contact Jag
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