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From words to meaningful outcomes

June 04, 2024

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In EG Magazine, Paul Morgan discusses the holistic approach of incorporating Te Ao Māori into engineering practice

In February, Te Ao Rangahau released the Kimihia Rangahaua strategy with the goal of embedding Te Ao Māori into the organisation and the engineering profession. This follows a formal recognition in 2019 of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and commitment to promoting principles of partnership, protection, and participation.

The recognition of Te Tiriti and Te Ao Māori is the foundation for significant change occurring across many organisations and within recent legislation. Even with current and proposed changes coming from the Government, the principles of this change will continue. There is growing momentum in the willingness to find meaningful ways to meet the obligations of Te Tiriti and better incorporate Te Ao Māori into the work we do.

The challenge for those who work in engineering is how to turn the words and meaning behind the strategy into tangible and meaningful outcomes within our practice. This is a much bigger hurdle than those we face due to common changes, like changes to regulations. Instead, it requires a more holistic shift in our thinking and approach to our projects.

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