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Imaginer et réaliser pour le mieux-être des communautés

Des lieux où pratiquer des activités récréatives favorisent la bonne santé des citoyens. Nous concevons des parcs et des espaces ouverts pour la pratique d’un éventail d’activités, des sports d’équipe aux activités sociales et de détente. Nos spécialistes des parcs et des installations sportives appliquent une approche d’écoconception et de préservation de l’environnement. En recréant ou en restaurant des habitats pour les espèces en danger, nous imaginons et réalisons de manière responsable.

Parc Open Hearth

Un lieu de rassemblement, inspiré de l’histoire locale.

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Cameron:            This skate park is named after The Station, a measly little gas station off of Chimney Rock in West Belfort.

Justin:                   That's where we all learned our basic tricks and, more importantly, where we met each other. But then the gas station was torn down, so at 15 years old, me and my friends put our heads together, put our ideas together, and decided to build a skate park.

Cameron:            We started going to meetings, we started calling and e-mailing so many people asking for money.

Kanten:                And our design team met with all the locals in the community here to talk about whether they actually wanted in the skate park, and after shredding with them and getting some ideas and putting it on paper, we came up with the layout we have.

                                The goal was to put something in here that was for everybody, whether it was transition in the bowl, quarter pipes, banks, hips, rails, it was really what we were trying to do with the design.

Justin:                   And now I'm able to stand here, starting at 15 years old as a kid, just skating at [Manning Gas Station 00:01:03] with my friends. And now, 19 years old, not a kid anymore, and I'm standing here at a skate park that we built together.

Cameron:            My favorite thing about skateboarding is getting on my board and skating anywhere and anytime. Just pushing down the street, just cruising. I just love that feeling of wind in my hair, having fun.

Andrew:              Skateboarding, for me, has a very individualistic approach. For instance, when I was a kid, I was never good in soccer, basketball ... That was mainly because I had to rely on other people.

                                Skateboarding's all about individual achievement, and that really pushes me to do the best that I can do and that I want to do.

Justin:                   Seeing your friends, seeing yourself, seeing everybody around you progress, that is the coolest part about skateboarding.

Max:                      When you're skateboarding, you can be trying a trick for five minutes or five hours, and when you finally land that trick, it's one of the best feelings in the world.

Juan:                     I skate to fall, really. It's like, just to do that and to get back up and do it again.

Brendon:             We put in a lot of hard work and time from the community and we finally have our park.

Juan:                     It's amazing, really. I never thought it would come true. It's like a dream of every skater.

Andrew:              Park is pretty sick because it's right down the street from my house.

Dan:                       And it turned out super good. The transitions, the angles, everything flows. I'm really happy with it.

Kanten:                It was just really an idea that came to life from them. It's really a community project and we were just there to help them.

Sylvester:            If you dream of something and you want something, you can grab it and you can make it happen.

Annise:                 This park is designed for this neighborhood and this community, and it is exactly what this neighborhood and this community asked for. Very, very important.

Cameron:            And I wish that this would inspire anybody else to continue what we just did and spread the love of skateboarding.

Justin:                   This skate park being a concrete skate park is amazing because it's here permanently. It's not going anywhere, so it's gonna be here for generations. I'm gonna be able to skate in it, my kids are gonna be able to skate it, and my grandkids will even get to skate it.

                                I think that this community has a lot of positivity flowing through it just through this skate park.

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Nous concevons des parcs et des espaces récréatifs qui deviennent des lieux incontournables pour votre collectivité
Top 150
8 M+

des firmes de conception internationales (ENR, juin 2017)
surface en gazon synthétique des installations conçues par nos équipes.
décernés à Stantec pour des projets d’installations sportives.
au sein du groupe Sports de Stantec se consacrent à la conception et à la mise en œuvre de terrains sportifs.
Experts en vedette

André Arata, Directeur géographique de discipline, Architecture de paysage

L’essence de mon travail consiste à animer les troupes, à écouter les besoins de mes clients, à concevoir des concepts pratiques aussi fonctionnels qu’imaginatifs et, enfin, à savoir les communiquer.
André Arata Directeur géographique de discipline, Architecture de paysage En savoir plus

Steve Potvin, Directeur principal, Urbanisme, design urbain et architecture de paysage

Il est crucial de bien connaître les cultures locales avant d’intervenir dans un milieu.
Steve Potvin Directeur principal, Urbanisme, design urbain et architecture de paysage En savoir plus

Nicolas Vekeman, Directeur de secteur, Développement urbain

Ma plus grande source de motivation vient du fait que je peux innover et créer pour nos clients.

Afif El-Dana, Leader de secteur, Géotechnique

Je suis fier de faire partie d'une équipe qui bâtit des fondations solides pour le bien de sa communauté.

André Arata

Directeur géographique de discipline, Architecture de paysage

Steve Potvin

Directeur principal, Urbanisme, design urbain et architecture de paysage

Nicolas Vekeman

Directeur de secteur, Développement urbain

Afif El-Dana

Leader de secteur, Géotechnique

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