Floating offshore wind power could be the key to reaching decarbonization targets
As we press forward with the energy transition, we should be looking at offshore wind power as a viable means of reducing emissions. Floating offshore wind farms can help us decarbonize the US west.
Golden Plains Wind Farm
Our multidisciplinary consulting and design teams are proud to be supporting the development of the Golden Plains Wind Farm—the largest wind farm in the southern hemisphere.
Golden Plains, Victoria, Australia
Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering & Materials Testing
Traffic Engineering
Renewable Energy
Wind Power
Groton Wind Project
From pre- to post-construction, the Groton Wind Project has allowed us to compare predicted and actual impacts of wind farms on birds and bats.
Grafton County, New Hampshire
Grafton, New Hampshire
Assessment & Permitting
Environmental Services
Renewable Energy
Mt Cass Wind Farm
Located in Waipara, the Mt Cass Wind Farm will contribute towards meeting New Zealand’s future renewable energy demands and will be the largest wind farm in the South Island.
Waipara, New Zealand
Geotechnical Engineering & Materials Testing
Structural Engineering
Energy Transition
Renewable Energy
Wind Power
Ideas Article
New research quantifies risk to bats at commercial wind facilities
New research published in The Wildlife Society Bulletin shows that data from bat acoustics, weather and strategic wind-turbine operations can help prevent bat fatalities at wind farms.
Offshore Wind
Stantec has been at the forefront of the offshore wind industry for the past decade. We’re established partners of offshore wind developers, providing power engineering, environmental impact assessments, and other services in the US and UK.
Ideas Article
Overcoming challenges in wind turbine transportation: Why route assessments are critical
Transporting wind turbines by road presents unique logistical challenges. How can we overcome these challenges to drive the energy transition with wind power?
Powering our communities with offshore wind energy
Learn how offshore wind farms generate renewable energy from wind turbines located in oceans, seas, and other large waterbodies.
Prairie Rose Wind Farm
The Prairie Rose Wind Farm harvests Minnesota’s rural wind for modern energy.
We completed an EPC contract on two wind energy farms in Southern Ontario. The St. Columban Wind Energy project added 33 megawatts to Canada’s renewable energy portfolio.