A team lead of the ecosystems group in our Winnipeg office, Leane is a biologist with over 15 years of experience. Her work is focused on protecting wildlife, and in her position, she spends much of her time writing assessments and managing field studies to explore how to reduce effects of development on animals and their habitats
In addition to managing projects and contributing to environmental assessments (EAs), Leane has developed and implemented various wildlife baseline and monitoring programs that are compliant with provincial and federal guidelines and protocols for various wind-energy, hydroelectric generating station, mining and road and transmission line developments. This includes surveys for bats, birds, at-risk species, mammals, and amphibians.
Since she’s committed her career to taking care of our planet, it’s no surprise that when Leane isn’t in the office, she’s outdoors. She loves to spend time with her kids teaching them about nature and how to best care for the environment.