Carrie is a geotechnical trenchless leader who specializes in the assessment and design of complex crossings using horizontal directional drilling (HDD), direct pipe installation, microtunneling, and auger bore methods. Closer to the surface, Carrie demonstrates geological engineering expertise through geohazard landslide assessments to appropriately characterize the potential impact to new and existing infrastructure. When impacts are inevitable, she provides monitoring, remedial design, and construction oversight to increase the project resiliency.
With more than 20 years as a geotechnical consultant, Carrie has seen evidence that geotechnical projects are becoming increasingly more complex, requiring critical attention to risk mitigation strategies.
Passionate about sharing her knowledge, Carrie has written numerous publications related to trenchless risk and landslide assessments and actively delivers courses at the Banff Pipeline Workshop and at the Consortium for Engineered Trenchless Technologies (CETT).