With over a decade of experience leading projects in the private and public sector, Maciej works with clients to deliver comprehensive designs that meet changing social, economic, and environmental needs. He has a proven ability to reflect and adopt diverse public and client needs through planning, engagement, and design.
Maciej specializes in data-driven concept design, construction, and contract documentation, and he manages small and large-scale projects with multidisciplinary teams. He also acts as a smart city representative, with innovation focused on the adaptation of smart tools and technologies for landscape and urban analysis and new educational programming for the benefit of an urban planet and the public.
His most recent innovation is focused on AI software application in a case study for a transit-oriented community (TOC) design in British Columbia. In his past research, he prototyped the Energy Pop-up Park (E-Pop) where he developed an interactive program and a mobile park that connects human movement and renewable energy technologies to educate and use that energy in the different forms.
When he isn’t working to educate the public and improve urban resiliency, Maciej might relax with friends with a cup of coffee and a game of chess. Keeping it fun, he also gets involved in public art competitions. He enjoys hiking, swimming, snowboarding, and playing beach volleyball.