Growing up, Christian was fascinated by historic buildings and places. Wanting to help conserve the past while facilitating inevitable change, he now works as a cultural heritage specialist with heritage buildings across Canada—on projects ranging from restoration to rehabilitation. In his role, he reviews proposed designs and provides recommendations for how to best implement projects into historic buildings.
Christian works closely with federal, provincial, and municipal heritage groups, other consultants, and agencies. He manages and creates heritage guidance documents and technical conservation briefs for facilities management teams at heritage buildings. A notable project for him has been developing strategic conservation plans for Ontario Power Generation’s historic generating stations to support long term planning and conservation approaches for the sites.
Taking his passion for cultural heritage into his spare moments, Christian enjoys being a tourist in his own city, or in his travels, and finding the small details that contribute to the rich history of a place. He can also be found volunteering with the Ottawa Little Theatre or taking a long bike ride along the river.