Melissa specializes in vascular plant identification, ecological assessments, ecological restoration, and grant writing. She has extensive experience conducting detailed botanical inventories of plant communities throughout the upper Midwest, and her work has supported hundreds of transportation, commercial, utility, residential, industrial, and institutional projects.
Assisting diverse stakeholder groups consisting of municipalities, community-based organizations, and non-profits, Melissa helps her clients identify and secure grants to help move projects forward. Using resources such as the North American Funding Program, she works closely with potential grant sponsors and clients to develop projects that are eligible and fundable. In the last three years she’s raised about $9M. Her goal? Expand this service to more clients, sectors, and regions.
Away from the office, Melissa volunteers her time as a board member for the Green Lake Conservancy and the Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium. She also once rode her bike across Wyoming, not considering—in her love of traveling by bike—that Wyoming has mountains.