Juan specializes in the planning and design of water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. A highlight of his over 25-year career includes delivering upgrades to aging infrastructure at a regional wastewater treatment plant in Miami-Dade County. He’s also managed the planning and design of stormwater neighborhood improvement projects to reduce flood risks by addressing the impacts of climate change in the City of Miami Beach.
With enthusiasm for developing trusting relationships and building high-performing teams, Juan has worked on several notable projects. These include Miami-Dade County’s first membrane facility, a design criteria package for a regional biosolids processing facility using a private-public-partnership approach, and planning and designing a fats, oils, and grease (FOG) regional facility.
Juan is passionate about bringing clean water to people around the world. As past chair of Water for People in Florida and recipient of the Ken J. Miller Award, he’s participated in trips to Central America and led fundraising efforts in Florida.