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On the forefront of grid advancement

We’re active on some of the market’s newest and most innovative energy storage and grid modernization projects.

Our renewable energy and transmission and delivery (T&D) experience—combined with our experience with multiple types of energy storage technologies—means we have the expertise to push the boundaries of innovation and advance our clients’ energy storage and grid needs.

We help you modernize your power grid assets and operations by helping you transition to smart grid applications, focusing on interoperability between new technologies and existing needs.

From grid planning and studies to financial modeling to microgrid and energy storage (including lithium ion, flywheel, and alternative chemical sources), we’re advancing numerous segments within the grid modernization market.

Arlen Transformer Station 5MW Flywheel Energy Storage

Flywheel energy storage provides fast-acting power services to keep the grid supply stable during events and quality disturbances Read More
Our People

Mike Voll, Principal, Sector Lead Smart Technologies

You don’t have to dig deep in the earth to find the energy we need to survive. Blowing wind, flowing rivers and warming sun are easily accessible for those with the passion to harness them.

Mark Wilson, Vice President, Renewables, Heavy Industrial Process, and Thermal Sector Leader

I have worked hard to always do what’s right for my clients, and as a result I’ve been rewarded by becoming their trusted advisor.
Mark Wilson Vice President, Renewables, Heavy Industrial Process, and Thermal Sector Leader Read More

Praveen Rosario, Electrical Engineer

It pays to listen, and listen well—whether it’s your spouse or your client.

Mike Voll

Principal, Sector Lead Smart Technologies

Mark Wilson

Vice President, Renewables, Heavy Industrial Process,...

Praveen Rosario

Electrical Engineer


Planning, Feasibility Studies & Design Planning-stage decisions to address longer-term risk mitigation are key to cost control. Stantec experts provide comprehensive planning and design services focused on constructability and value.
Applications Engineering Whether you are developing a new project or modifying an existing asset, we provide a complete and accurate picture of all optimal options.
Detailed Power Engineering & Design Differences in communities, risks, technology, and markets need customized solutions. Our thermal generation, transmission and distribution, renewable energy, and telecommunications specialists help you find the best option for your needs.
Asset Management Our Stantec Asset Management (SAM) sustainability experts help you find the most accurate, actionable data about your built assets so you can meet your environmental, social, and governance goals.
Environmental Services With 3,100 environmental staff in 20 specialties, we know what to do. When we’re gathering data to permit a new project or collaborating on a plan to remediate an old one, our passion for science drives us.
Geotechnical Engineering & Materials Testing Our geotechnical engineers and material specialists are focused on solving complex design, construction, and rehabilitation issues impacting the communities where we live and work.
Buildings Engineering With decades of innovation and experience under our belts we’re engineering a promising future leveraging the best in building systems, technology, energy analysis, and sustainable performance.

We’re better together

  • Become a client

    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

  • Design your career

    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.