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Pumped storage hydropower: Helping to drive the energy transition

November 21, 2023

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PUMPED STORAGE TUNNELS | INSIGHTFall 2023 | 19Above: Inspecting Rocky Mt pumped storage tunnels ALL IMAGES COURTESY OF STANTECPUMPED STORAGE HYDROPOWER – HELPING TO DRIVE THE ENERGY TRANSITIONWith the need to address the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources, pumped storage hydropower can help, says Stantec’s Greg Raines, Vice President, and Don Erpenbeck,Vice President and Global Section Leader (Dams & Hydropower). Underground construction has a role to play in pursuing that pathAs the world continues to navigate the energytransition, we are looking to renewable sources of energy to start replacing traditional fossil fuel-based generation. This will help us to significantly reduce emissions and leave a cleaner, green planet for future generations. Whether it is solar power, wind power, or hydropower, renewable sources of energy produce no greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and can provide us with abundant clean power for communities in need. 019_024ttna0923_stantec.indd 1921/09/2023 10:23
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By Greg Raines and Donald Erpenbeck

Greg Raines and Don Erpenbeck were featured in Tunnels + Tunnelling to explore the benefits of pumped storage hydropower projects

One of the primary challenges that the energy transition faces is the storage of electrical power. Why? Electricity in the grid must be in near-perfect balance of supply and demand with only a couple of seconds to adjust or voltage and frequency problems will occur. Because of the intermittent nature of power sources like solar or wind power, they cannot be turned off and on to match demand. After all, we can’t generate these kinds of energy when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. This has created a high demand for energy storage systems. Pumped storage hydropower can help. 

  • Greg Raines

    A vice president and practice leader in Stantec’s Power & Dams sector, Greg specializes in geotechnical engineering and tunneling projects. His hydropower and conveyance work has supported numerous projects throughout the Southwest US.

    Contact Greg
  • Donald  Erpenbeck

    Donald is vice president bringing more than 20 years of experience to our valued hydropower clients.

    Contact Donald
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