Why mobility modelling is the secret to return-to-work
May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020
Stantec's Michael Matrakis, spoke with Property Council Australia to discuss how data analysis and simulation modelling can help businesses to understand the various scenarios they may face
The return-to-work scenario is certainly complex. Before Safe Work Australia updated its guidelines on lift use last week, building owners were grappling with a restriction which advised workers to “maintain 1.5 metres distance when travelling in lifts where possible”.
Some large Australian landlords had warned it could take up to three hours for workers to enter their buildings under full occupancy.
After sustained advocacy from the Property Council, the new guidelines remove the 1.5 metre requirement, but building owners must still ensure, as far as they reasonably can, “that people maintain physical distancing in lifts and lift waiting areas”.
Read the full article in Property Australia.
Michael is an electrical project technical lead specialising in the delivery of vertical transportation services to clients in all markets. He also has a reputation for electrical infrastructure design in the sports sector in Western Australia.
Contact Michael