Application Process

Stantec provides funding globally. If you would like to request support please use our online application form which guides the applicant through all the necessary information we require to make our decision.

We will review your request and if it falls within our funding guidelines and meets our current Community Engagement Program focus, it will be reviewed at a corporate and/or regional level. At this stage, we may ask you to provide additional information.

We receive a lot of applications so please be patient and give us at least 90 days to respond.

Sometimes applications that do not meet community engagement funding guidelines may be considered for marketing or business development investment. We will forward these applications to the appropriate department for consideration.

Since the Company cannot provide support for all the programs submitted to the Community Engagement Program, we choose organizations that best meet our funding priorities and guidelines. At times, we may decline investing in a worthy program because we have already committed to a similar cause.

Please keep in mind

  1. We normally only consider one request per year, per charity
  2. If you want to apply for a second consecutive year of funding please show us
    • How previous funding was used
    • New components that will enhance or expand your program
  3. We do not provide funding to:
    • Animal activist organizations
    • Human rights activism
    • Beauty or talent contests
    • Individual sponsorships including athletes and artists
    • All levels of competitive or professional sports
    • Labor groups
    • Loans for small businesses
    • Profit-making enterprises
    • Ethnic or religious organizations, unless their services or resources are available equally to other groups
    • Requests from third-party fundraisers
    • Film production/publishing activities
    • Conferences, seminars, or workshops
    • Travel, accommodation, meal expenses, field trips, or tours
    • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of characteristics such as race, sex, gender, color, creed, religious beliefs, citizenship status, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability